Napoleonic Wars is 5 player max, although a great game.
Yeah, and Prussia sits out for the whole first turn (hours) and the game might come to an end if someone rolls a 6. GMT's similar game
Here I Stand would be the better choice for 6 players.
Sword of Rome or
Wellington if you have 4 players.
Age of Empires III is another great game, but you need the expansion (which just got released after years of waiting) which adds the 6th player.
Glory to Rome this weekend with 4 players. If you like
Race For the Galaxy, you'll like GtR. We also had a surprise ASL birthday party for Rob. His brother Jeff invited him over to play ASL and for cake, and Rob thought he was going to play a BV scenario against his Jeff. But, he got VotG for his b-day (one of the copies I got from Black Friday). Dave and I showed up with our ASL stuff and we played two games of VotG9 - Eviction Notice. Two Russian wins.
For his b-day present I gave him a poster board, dry erase markers and blue painters tape for his VotG. Dave showed me (a tip from Sam Belcher) how you use the tape to mark the perimeter of the scenario after you put the map under the mylar of the poster board frame. Then you use the dry erase markers to draw out the starting areas for the Germans and Russians, as there's some confusing ones, especially in Eviction Notice and Pavlov's House.