Poo? Like this:Played 'Poo' last night with GF and her 9-YO son. Looks like it would be great with about 6 or 7 people.

Poo? Like this:Played 'Poo' last night with GF and her 9-YO son. Looks like it would be great with about 6 or 7 people.
Why, why did you post this emoticon, why... People are eating while reading this forum... Why...Poo? Like this:![]()
I know what you eat, pervert! :angry:Played "Chaos In The Old World". Plays very smoothly, and he components are gorgeous.
Why, why did you post this emoticon, why... People are eating while reading this forum... Why...
Local hobo said that it's peanut butter and I'll stick to this version!I know what you eat, pervert! :angry:
Elrohir69 I've been looking for a good 6 player+ game for when "the guys" and I get together and go to the cabin every fall. On a scale of 1-10 how difficult is it to learn Here I Stand? I'm afraid in our old age, the group tolerance for learning complicated new games has waned significantly.Here I Stand, great card driven game for 6 players. Religious War during Renaissence.
Probably my favorite out of ASL.
One game I would HIGHLY recomend for multiplayer is JUNTA you really find out who your friends are in this classic Bannana Republic game. The winner at the end is the person with the most money in his Swiss bank account!Elrohir69 I've been looking for a good 6 player+ game for when "the guys" and I get together and go to the cabin every fall. On a scale of 1-10 how difficult is it to learn Here I Stand? I'm afraid in our old age, the group tolerance for learning complicated new games has waned significantly.
Haven't played Junta, but a fun up-to-five-player game on a similar subject is Avalon Hill's "Guerrilla." Especially entertaining with an odd number of players (the odd man out is a mercenary). You never know which side someone is on and even when you do, that can change with the play of a single card.One game I would HIGHLY recomend for multiplayer is JUNTA you really find out who your friends are in this classic Bannana Republic game
What did you think of each title, Jazz?
A new entry that is a very good , innovative, and subtle system. Unfortunately, it may be broken as there seems to be only one way for the British to win, and the French are hard-pressed to stop a competent determined British player. Still, even that is not all that obvious and I think it would not take all that much tweaking to balance it up. Only got a playing or two in due this being a 2 player game and we had 3 all of Saturday. A deck building game played on a network map.A Few Acres of Snow
My first time playing a strictly deck building game. Straight Dominion seemed a bit dull...."serial solitaire" was the term used. Intrigue definitely changes that and is a blast. Prosperity just adds that much depth to the selection of cards.Dominion&Dominion Intrigue\Prosperity (multiple playings)
Pretty much a blast. We started out playing with 3, and it was pretty much fun....but we only got a hint of the subtleties of strategy. When Marty showed up on Sunday we played with 4...even more fun and some of the previous subtleties weren't quite as subtle.Power Grid (US, German, and France maps)
A serious blast. We played with 4, but there is room for 7. I would love to play with 6-7 folks that are serious gamers....and that have histories with each other.Struggle of Empires (only 4 players....6-7 players would be a serious hoot!)
The old stand by. We were teaching Marty as it was his first game of LeHarve, but not his first Euro. Interesting game as no two games ever play the same way.LeHarve
A hoot, ala Robo-RallySpace Truckers
I'll second that. I'm actually pining' away for some Arena. Seems A Few Acres of Snow has monopolized the 2 player encounters lately.....not that it's a bad game, but variety being the spice and all....Played three games of Arena (essentially Roma II) by Queen Games. Two of the games were great, the third one was a bit lopsided from the start. This still remains as one of the best quick playing two player games out there. There are many, many paths to victory. Not bored with it even after 20+ games. Highly recommended...
Struggle of Empires.Elrohir69 I've been looking for a good 6 player+ game for when "the guys" and I get together and go to the cabin every fall. On a scale of 1-10 how difficult is it to learn Here I Stand? I'm afraid in our old age, the group tolerance for learning complicated new games has waned significantly.
Skyrim...not proud of it but they say admitting you have the addiction is the first step to recovery...