Psycho Mar 3, 2022 hey budro shoot me an email at I need to axe you something bru
T T twilcox76 Sep 28, 2016 I just pre-ordered Red Factories yesterday. I wonder how long before it will be out.? I just love those ASL Stalingrad games.
I just pre-ordered Red Factories yesterday. I wonder how long before it will be out.? I just love those ASL Stalingrad games.
Psycho Jun 26, 2014 "With Don's situation, playing solo is really better than patting down his ex......." snicker
P P p3love Jan 19, 2013 Thanks, it looks like I will do this. Initially I said to myself June onwards but this is do able. Hopefully it will be ok to register at end of this month. My first tournament! Whaoh!
Thanks, it looks like I will do this. Initially I said to myself June onwards but this is do able. Hopefully it will be ok to register at end of this month. My first tournament! Whaoh!
sarfs Nov 28, 2012 Well it's about time you padded up to 15000. "Hey, I've finally done something productive..... 15K posts here on the GS Forums..... Now, I just need a life..."
Well it's about time you padded up to 15000. "Hey, I've finally done something productive..... 15K posts here on the GS Forums..... Now, I just need a life..."
sarfs Sep 28, 2012 How can you not help a guy who lives closer than work. I couldn't believe it when he said he lives in the same town as me.
How can you not help a guy who lives closer than work. I couldn't believe it when he said he lives in the same town as me.
sarfs Aug 27, 2012 "Jim, Glad to see you back to posting again. Sure did miss ya." With every shot so far?