excepting ASL clearly.
PanzerBlitz (old skool).
Combat Commander (GMT Games).
Drang Nacht Osten (again old skool).
War in the East 41-45 (Avalon Hill).
War in the EAST SPI (1st Edition).
Streets of Stalingrad L2 version.
Fire on the Volga/Battle for the factories .
Rhino Games Campaign to Stalingrad.
Panzer & all it's add ons.
Korsun Pocket by People's war games, good 'Ost Front' Monster game
but as in all things it depends on the person, War in the East by SPI was I think the very first 'serious' war game I bought, followed by SL and soon after that ASL, GDW Europa was collected, and like all the rest chucked out! (I know major idiot),
But if a game excites you, it is doing it's job.
I always liked war in the east (SPI) Combat Commander is for what it is worth light fun, but very good IMHO.
P.S but ASL is without doubt, un-beatable.