When I was last in a non-ASL gaming group, we gravitated towards simpler systems that still were good simulations.
Check Your 6!--tactical air combat based on the Blue Max movement system. Had some great battles with boxes of B-17s and interceptors and escorts. Found ourselves using historical tactics (high cover; zoom and boom Wildcats vs. Zeroes, finger four formations etc.). This is a miniatures rules set but you can play with counters from any air game and a hexgrid.
It is Warm Work--has a sheet of ships you cut out, but really a minatures rules set. We played Trafalgar in under five hours. It lacks in details but gets the big picture. I think it's a few bucks at Wargame Vault, same place you get the recent ASL publications.
Solomon Sea by Markus Stumptner--unfortunately hard to find. Double-blind carrier battles--think of Flat Top streamlined into a playable package. Command Magazine's Victory at Midway, which is more available second-hand, was the inspiration.