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  • Ahh, that makes sense. Trisha said she thought she saw somebody pull up in a car. Never heard a thing. oops... Ok see you next time time home. Thanks :)
    Paul tried to drop off the countersmith package for yourself last Sunday before lunch but no answer , will try and drop it off next time I am at home ok?
    Just had a text from Varrie saying mine arrived today!! Figures, I got back to DH this afternoon!!!, one of these days I will be at home when things arrive. I did get home last friday morning to copies of MM8,10 and 11 tho ;-)
    No system is great, Now missing boxes are a totally different affair if you get my drift!!!!...............
    No heating system is great. No , missing boxes are my problem .......
    Thats another story and am not a happy bunny at the moment..................
    Paul, once I get a contents list from Countersmith and if needed extra cards if some are missing you can have the cards set for nothing!!! see my comments on one of the two countersmith threads on the forum either on page 1 or 2 ok?
    Paul Martin Vikka is having an all day ASL session at his place in Kingswells on the 11th of next month ( a friday) and asked me to see if you would be interested there are tentatively around 8-10 going to be there , do not know if you would be able to make it but maybe drop in after work?
    As for Vasl will send you an e-mail just need to work out how to note my moves then send it off to youok? oliver
    Most, if not all of the extensions won't matter. Vanilla VASL contains all the main stuff. North needs changing though as that will alter the smoke and probably my set up......
    North is the other way round and I need to find 40 +extensions to load up!!!!
    Hey Paul I've been talking to Olli and Dave Blackwood from the taysiders about getting together. We hope to donor some time next month. Would you be interested in coming along? The,tentative, plan just now is to use the Inversnecky one evening so we'd have plenty of space.
    Paul I get home around 11 tonight, flight prices dropped by over £200 by getting a later flight!! If I can get up into the loft I will check out the treasure chest!! lol. I cannot honestly remember what is in it now as I parted with some stuff last year for missing item etc.
    Paul have you haerd about the death of Ian Daglish??? his plane crashed after take off on friday lunchtime
    Good luck in the game with Dave, I need to get some more games in with him, Silas and John,. As for the latestLFT when I got home last Sunday my copies were already awaiting my arrival home fro vacation. Yes it really is a good pack, also for the first time I brought it with me over to holland to look at in more depth, already several scenarios I would like to play in it
    Paul I think that I have two spare copies, to be honest I have lost track of some of the stuff , being away from home that much. I did exchange some copies last year for other rare and hard to find stuff , i am home on the 28th of August next so will check the attic storage then ok?
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