Hi all,
Was a big Avalon Hill wargamer in high school and college, back in the late 70's and early 80's. First game was Tobruk when I was 12 I think. Moved to squadleader later, and of course ASL after that. I also was big into D&D. Life eventually left me without fellow players, so stopped playing for the last decade or more. In March when Gary Gygax died, I found myself getting back into RPGs with Castles & Crusades, a month ago I picked up The Russian Campaign on ebay. That let me to pull my big box of ASL stuff out of the attic. I still have all the old AH ASL stuff thru module 10 (though never 8 & 9). Just ordered a copy of the 2nd edition rules and in a couple of months of re-learning the game solo, hope to reach out and find some opponents. Till then, I'll just lurk around the forums and pick up the wisdom of all of you.