The group I started playing with have a few Japanese guys. I'm sure they already know about this forum, they have been gaming ASL for years, and I think one of them helped translating the rules. But I think in general their English isn't that great and they probably aren't on this board, but I could be wrong.
AHAHAH, Japanese game show ASL video huh?, Not exactly what I was shooting for, but that does bring up some interesting ideas. Maybe I could film a game where everytime one of players squads gets pinned a man in a striped red and white skin tight body suit would come out and sound a blow horn in the players ears. Is that the kind of thing you were thinking?
I'm more thinking about a video camera shot of the board and someone moving counters around in many possible situations and explaining what is happening. I've played around a little with it, but you can't read the counters well with a shot of the whole board. I must of read the starter kit rules about 10 times and played about three games before I pretty much "got it" as for understanding the rules. I think this could have been done watching a 30 minute video a couple of times.
And for some good news, I got a game of ASL scheduled tonight..... I CAN'T WAIT!