Panty Sniffer
For what it's worth - I think that the countersheet issue in RBF#4 was handled with class by HOB. I got a replacement sheet at minimal cost and in a very reasonable timeframe. These things happen from time to time, despite the best efforts of folks. The crux is how the company remedies the situation - and HOB did a grand job IMHO.Ok, Guys, this note is with a bit of frustration so I reserve the right to take it back. I really don't understand Majordad hearing things for the grapevine that we will do or not do anything. I have not even concidered that decision yet so whatever you heard was utter ********.
As for the counters on Recon 4, one of the most anal people in this industry watched over that process and there still was a problem and I reprinted with a very large personel outlay of cash. With the replacement program in place which is the only way we could stay in some sort of business.
The paper finally used on the map was not what was specified in the order. There was a problem in the size of the map and the ability for the paper to the printer that was not communicated to me. I did not know of the thickness change until after I saw and and sent it out because most players do laminate or place under a plastic table. Every map I own is laminated. So I will be checking into what, if anything, I will do about that.
Pitman if you want to send your SS4 scenario sheets back I'll place a hole puched piece of paper in there for you, jeeze your a negitivity is such a joy.
I don't give a monkeys bum if the map is thin. I play under Plex and store my HASL maps flat.