Veteran gets away with MURDER!
Scott's statement was tacky, but brutally honest.
I wonder if Curt Schilling gets any perks? I wonder if a cop lets him off from time to time because he's a fan? I wonder if Mr. Schilling will be given any advantages in court? Surely his legal representation is no better than Scott's in the blind eyes of our justice system. It would be a fair fight. Mr.Schilling's lawyer wouldn't mention the gifts of charity his status has enabled him to bestow.
The fact is veterans use their status as veterans, even if it's only a free doughnut from a patriotic waitress. But I'm sure you forum vets would refuse such a doughnut without documentaion that the waitress paid for it, lest you abet in petty theft.
And I'm very certain that if any of you forum vets found yourself in legal trouble, you and your lawyer would never, ever, ever bring up your service to the country for the jury to consider, because you know that would be ever so dishonorable.
Of course it goes without saying that the vast majority of veterans that post on this forum never, ever exploit their veteran status for something so tawdry as to win an argument.
We've had a Presidential candidate "hide behind" his veteran status. We had a group of veterans use their status as veterans to attack said veteran.
Being a veteran, or the the family member of a dead one, allows one a certain "untouchable status" in the arena public debate. Scott didn't make these simple rules. Pour your outrage about them onto those who did: the media and politicians. Apparently Scott lives in the real world and chooses to exploit this option, probably one of the few he has in life.
I also doubt that Scott went into the military as part of an elaborate plan to insulate himself from lawsuits over wargame counters years later. He doesn't strike me as being that bright...or diabolical if you prefer.
I see plenty of newspaper stories about veterans and their families being helped out of sticky situations and forgiven transgressions based solely upon their status as veterans. That's the way the world is. I don't think it's fair; but chastising the pitiable sea turtle that's honest about it on an internet forum isn't going to change anything.
And don't put me into some kind of "Scott Defender" category. I'm a renegade lunatic with allegiance to nobody, and proud of it! :freak: