Evan Sherry
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  • Evan, are you still publishing schwerpunkt? I lost all my entire ASL system in a fire. I'm slowly re-building my ASL. I have issues 1-21and rally 1-12.
    Evan Sherry
    Evan Sherry
    Yes, we are still producing Schwerpunkt and Rally Point. Schwerpunkt Volumes 1 through 23 and Rally Point Volumes 1 through 17 are currently available. I rarely visit the ASL Forums so it is best to communicate with me via my email:
    Hi Mr. Sherry

    Do you by chance have a list of your publications that includes the contents? Right now it seems I have research each individual item before I buy it as no reseller seems to show what scenarios are included. This is somewhat a pain as it is not readily available. I find your stuff well done and would like to acquire more so a list would be most useful. Thanks!


    Bob Walters
    Evan, are there any Florida tournaments or clubs for ASL? I'm playing a couple people here in Orlando but a larger group sure would be nice. Thanks.
    Evan Sherry
    Evan Sherry
    I am not aware of any tournaments or ASL clubs in Florida. As far as I know, the Tampa ASL Group is the most active group of players in Florida. We mostly play at my house in Ruskin because I can easily accomodate 8 players in my game room. You are welcome to join us when we resume playtesting for Schwerpunkt Volume 24 and Rally Point 18 in January. Drop me a line on my email: EvanSherry@aol.com
    At ASLOK I really enjoyed "Meet me at the Station" but was concerned that Maloarkhangelsk Station was not really a rail station. I was incorrect and your scenario remains one of my favorite. This locale is off to the southwest of Maloarkhangelsk which has no rail line. Good job. It appears this rail station serves a number of small towns in the area. Ray

    We used to play ASL together back in the '90s. I gave away my gear my gear when I stopped playing. I want to get back into the game now and was wondering if you knew anybody local that is willing to sell a 2nd edition rule book. Also, I'm looking for local players. PM or email me. Thanks.

    Daniel Tartaglia
    "At the risk of alienating my whole customer base,... voice of Sam Kinnison."

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