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  • Hi. Regarding looking for players in Edmonton, AB: my email is I think this is what you meant by PM but I'm not sure as I'm new to gamesquad. Thanks for the super quick response, BTW.
    This works.

    A PM is a private message, which is now referred to as a "conversation" on GameSquad.

    Will email your contact details shortly.


    Thanks for the tip. Will look into it. It would add some pizzazz to my otherwise sad, sense of humour when scribbling a post on Sitrep. As a longtime friend of mine likes to remind me, I am witless.

    Apart from telling bad jokes, which is probably why I haven't quit my intermittent McJob, I have no clue what I have a talent for doing. :)
    RE: Comic style AAR --- Well, I wish I have your obvious talent for writing!! I use a software Dan Dolan show me - "Comic Book" that runs on iPads. :)
    Yes, you know Glennbo styles himself as"The Greatest Scenario Designer." Well I was thinking of the old story where someone asked John Lennon whether Ringo was the best drummer in the world. Lennon said "He's not even the best drummer in the Beatles."
    Thanks for the rep, Chris. I am trying to give you some and I will... if I can understand the way to do it... ;-)
    Thanks for the rep! This individual seems troubled, or very young. I just don't have the patience anymore, grumpy ol' fart that I am.
    Finally figured out how to follow your blog, which I find fantastic, maybe this internet thing is beating me...

    And love the dice you folks are producing as well.
    Just ordered two more carry cases with boxes and inserts!!! I am such a RAACO whore/fanboy!!! Need them for all the FB and CH counters that have been released in the last 6 months, also Picked up two complete sets of ToT packs including MM98 and rare Brit vehicles. Oh and HoB, packs with the black SScounters along with a set of ABtFblack counters and some other rare finds
    Hi Chris, take it you like the RAACO set up of mine then?? Lol, a bit OTT even if I say it myself! The other 5 empty carry cases are in one of my ASL Storage cupboards and have another case with boxes and inserts arriving tomorrow.........
    Hi Chris,

    Just wanted to say I enjoyed listening to your interview on the 2 H-S show yesterday. I will be bookmarkin your website on my favs and frequenting it often.

    Hi Chris !

    I'm writing to you because Samuel Harper gave me your coordinates. I would be interested in acquiring Rally Point #2. He's taught me the starter kit, and I see it as a good starting point to go full ASL. I own a lot of the core modules and would like to jump in.

    Do you carry this?



    PS you can contact me at We may have met, I'm a regular particpant at Cangames.
    Looking forward to new dice. I'm looking to come for the whole CASLO weekend this year. Hope we can get in a game before then :)
    I make them out of aluminium, now doing 3" and 4" square ones taller so more ramps inside to juggle them aroundramps and tray lined with neoprene, and the base has a layer of foam on it, most people have bought them for tourneys as they take up little space in a bag. they measure 6" high 2" wide and the length is 5"
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