Having decided last evening not to enter the Heroes tourney, frankly because I wasn't in the mood, I tootled across to Blackpool anyway today and played a friendly game with Mike Davies. He had diced me off the table yesterday in Perun's Thunder HG(2)8. I offered the chance to play a CoS scenario and we pulled Schreiber's Success BFP75 from CoS. One of many set pieces. Russians(me) get 9 AT ditches, 6 Trenches, two 45L and some 458 and 447s to stop a superior SS OB, with a lot of squads and a trio of Stugs. Amazing how nerfed the SS seem to be with no assault fire bonus (global SSR for CoS).
So Mike fancied popping off home to freshen up ( he lives nearby) and I got about an hour to lay out the defence. Loved that hour, almost the best part. Side-on pillboxes as bunkers, firelanes, wire backing up the AT ditches, HIP squads mine traps in the grain. All good. All fun.
Game started and SS progress was too slow. Comes turn 3 and I've whacked all three Stugs. First went down to the only APCR round a 45L would have (and would not have had if not Guards), one clipped by the 75 gun of the Lee, which had malf'd and was repaired and the last was lost and burned to my CH from the already-covered-in-glory-45L that had got the first. My infantry lost one 447 and a 128 AT crew with a ATR. My three T-34s are unopposed and Mike throws in the towel. Great.
I managed to sell some of Ian's ASL kit. About GBP 350. Not bad.
Home now. Fair few games of WoT to end the day.