Forum Guru
How would you create a level playing field? Jim, you would LITERALLY CREATE A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. That's it.Jim McLeod said:So, using your soccer example Mark, just how would you create a level playing field between an elite team and a B division team?
Who is and how do you decide the skill levels of the players? What measure do you use Mark? If there is great disparity in skill level, do we not worry about balance since the lesser guy is going to be crushed anyway?
Again, you don't seem to understand that in competitions, the best person is supposed to win. That elite team should friggin' womp on the B division team. What sort of limp-wristed "everybody's a winner" New Ager are you, anyway?
Handicaps are used when people of different skill levels want to have fun playing each other. They are not used in serious tournaments, where the whole point of it is that the crappy player should lose to the better player.Competition is far more encompassing Mark. It includes matches where players may not be of equal skill will be playing each other.
Do you golf at all Mark?
I don't but they sometimes use a handicap system whereby a crappy player can have a fair chance against a better player, or something like that. It is a shame that ASL is not similar in that a handicap system can be implimented in a tournament. It would be interesting.