Questions about FT293 Wild Men From Texas.
SR 2. states "Arid Terrain Rules for Cactus (AD2.13) (is this a typo and the referred rule is AD3.13?) and Grain (AD2.16) (is this a typo and the referred rule is AD3.16?) are in effect." Wild Men uses boards LFT 3 & 7 and by SR 2 transformation there are no orchards, thus rulebook F13.4 Orchards become Cactus Patches does not apply I believe. Are there no Cactus Patches in FT283? Since, there are no grain hexes on Boards LFT 3 & 7 so AD3.16 is also without effect?
AD4.1 Routing specifies that Brush, Grain, Thick Grain, Crags, Combined Terrain, Oasis Palm Trees or a trench get treated "as if these were Woods for determining direction of Rout." Since it does not explicitly state that those terrain features are also rally terrain, am I correct that unless an SR states otherwise, only Woods & Buildings remain rally terrain?