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  • I've been okay. The new avatar is Kristen Stewart from the Twilight films. The vampire ones. I hope you have a great Christmas. Cheers.
    Had a great Christmas thanks. I did not even eat too much, but I did fall asleep often. Hope you enjoy your holiday and are not called in to work too often. Gonna play any ASL?
    Hi Joe,
    Merry Christmas to you too. Britain has had a lot of snow over the last week, but none in Oxford. Today is was hazy skies and a bit of sun, but above freezing. Have you got any time off work?
    In America chilli is a specific dish isn't it? Over here in the UK chilli is anything with chillies in it - the hot peppers. I'll generally eat anything hot. I like Hot Indian food too. But as I say my tolerance has dropped a bit since I was a teenager.
    Yup! I love chilli...always have done. My tolerance has gone down a bit recently but I still like it. How about you?
    Horse drawn carredge ride and hot chocolate, after a nice dinner. They loved it.
    Chilli sauce- are you a hot food fan?
    Hi Joe, I spent today with my parents. I bought an apricot tart this morning from town to celebrate St. Nicholas day this evening. I was given some choclates and some chilli sauce! lol, as gifts this evening. It used to be great fun when we were kids, but it is still nice to celebrate at this age. I'm sure your kids will love it.
    Thankyou for the Birthday wishes Joe. Had a good time and even got some money to spend on ASL ;) Cheers.
    Hi Joe, Thanks for the Christmas greetings. I hope you have/had a good Christmas too. Jan.
    Hi Joe,
    I love the old westerns. Sergio Leone's and Sam Peckinpah's being my favorites. But Clint Easwood himself has made some classics too, as well as starring in a few.
    Up North they have had snow, but we have yet to see any here in Oxford. Its been cold and bright recently around here. Lots of frosty mornings. See you.
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