"Portal just sprang to mind"
I'm mostly pessimistic and somewhat negative but he's just a complete tool (plus the fact that he's lazy, cheap, whiny, arrogant, clueless, and a hypocrite). :nada: Pitman is an overbearing jerk online but is nice in person and does a bunch for ASL. Tate as obnoxious as he is online is still knowledgable about ASL and can be friendly on occasion. Portal adds nothing to the hobby except negativity. He doesn't write AARs despite his many playings. He doesn't help answer rules questions despite his apparent fondness for the more difficult rules (caves, seaborne landings, etc). Doesn't offer his help in playtesting anything that I know of (including his sacred CH). Doesn't offer to help newbies unless he can get something out of it. He's just a total nutsack. :nada: