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  • It's called russeting and was used to strengthen and weather proof armour. If it was good enough then, it's good enough now!!!!
    Nope Ian not preordered ANY copies!!! nada , sweet F A, niet, nien , non, absolutely bugger all!!!! ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................well at least from MMP.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. goes away whistling!!! lol
    Mine were in a sturdy box but I had multiple copies. your's from the PM were not and have suffered (from your Facebook comments) not sure how many went out in a envelope, contact BFP if damaged
    Graet Olli, just conned a wargaming pal into 15mm Ancients, he managed to get the bug and go postal, now owns a macadonian army the rules and the lists, spent about £100 but he plans to paint them himself (he still has 6mm Naps for me to paint though
    Funny you should ask. Given it helps me stay awake I have had the idea that I will paint figures for others at the cost of a figure.

    That is, if you want 24 figures painting, send me 24 and I will paint and if they are all the same type you get to choose which you want. Will base as well but if you want done to a base size I don't own you need to supply or pay the cost (I use MDF from Warbases). I will send you an e-mail for details mate.
    Let you know that I posted the enhanced setups for Expansion Pack #1 (S44-S51), I also posted an updated version of S1-S8 that used the updated unit counters supporting both SQ/HS and HOB


    drop me an email and I will forward the so to be released other SK scenarios. You can be the first on you block to get them. - LOL
    Don't tell anyone, I have the lot!!!

    No I am not intrested in it but unlike others can not get the intrest high enough to get angry
    That was quick. Mine are on the way and I pick the winner in about an hours time. Or should I say my kids pick the winners
    no, I have enough now. lol. sets of 1/2" and boy are they coooooooolllllllllll
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