I'd suggest 4 planes each - somehow seems like the outside limit of how many might be in a scenario at one time - nice even number too.
You thinking of doing a paypal/download arrangement?
Wonder if you worked with HOB whether they might partner up to go with a sheet of diecuts - of course lot more cost there. However, a pdf printed out on glossy photo paper, mounted, exacto cutout probably good enough too.
PS - sure I'd love it, been too cheap to purchase. Had a hard time working with ppt also, until got used to using it for specific things.
In some recent work it was mandatory in communicating with "offshore" drafters on how to complete drawings (Even with a picture they can't necessarily find their butt with both hands). Word seemed to make files bigger using pictures, but when you cut and paste-special jpeg pics from a 500K image, cuts file size to roughly a fifth. Significant with email - back and forth.
Your computer self-esteem sounds about like mine - I can make fire, but haven't figured agriculture out yet.
Always enjoyed MST3K and Gamera a favorite send-up.
Heat transfer is my specialty area as a Mech. Engr.
(Brazil's Harry S. Tuttle - inspriation for the title)
First posted on forums back with Shogun Total War and used the pun name there, coming here changed to the more warlike "Khan" from "Can".
Thought it would be a kick to make Gamera into an ASL counter - the pic is of a plastic model, used GIMP to edit down to the sillhouette.
Been thinking of making it a tee-shirt for Ofest.