What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?


Elder Member
Nov 3, 2008
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Halifax, NS
Did you need to trash his effort in public like this, really? I would have expected better of you Peter.
I have deleted my post, hereby with my apologies to Honza.

Simply because something does not interest me personally, does not matter really.

Anything that anyone does for the width and depth and variety of the hobby is worthy of encouragement.
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Elder Member
Mar 2, 2008
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I have deleted my response to you, so your quote is not visible either. That was nice of you to apologize and much more like you.

That something does not interest you is of interest, how you express that disinterest should be tempered with care to the person you are responding to and their own post. HonZa is not rude or snarky or a bully here.

You last statement is indeed well put. The hobby has room for all sorts of tastes and fare. Individual diners can decide what to order or not.


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
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CH does do one thing well.. maps. It is very accurate.
My one complaint about the map is that the depictions of what I take to be crag, scrub, and shellhole terrain types are non-standard. At first I was totally flummoxed, but reading the SSR led me to believe that this is what they must be (the shellholes look like dark grey palm trees). Still, it seems to be a nice product with terrain and SSR that make it feel like Iwo Jima (the sand at levels 0-2 and desert OG at 3-5 "feels right"). I am looking forward to trying "Devil's Den" to get my feet wet.


Senior Member
May 3, 2018
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yeah Pitcavage was spot on with that. While the map is indeed accurate, that version of the map is not a thing of beauty. The 2nd edition (Motoyama 2) map was much MUCH better. Of course that is where I think Pitcavage goes off the rails, sure there probably a few that hate the map panels. My father did, but seriously man. This is not a game for kids, you have to have mental flexibility and some functioning grey matter to play the damn game. If aligning a few panels is too much trouble.. you've got bigger problems and complains that just that. Even the biggest and baddist of CH products, 30 plus panels.. not hard and if you are assembling those, it isn't for some pissant 6 turn scenario, it is for a monster and you'll be playing it for weeks, months even so what is the hour it takes to get them aligned.

on that very timely note, I just happen to have an extra copy of the 2nd edition map. 4 panels, it isn't rocket science to put them together and it does look so much better than the 1st version you got. It you want it drop me a PM with your address and I'll fire it off to you.


Elder Member
Mar 2, 2008
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llUnited States
That's part of his charm. ;)
Err, no Dave, it is not charm, and the emoji screen does you no good.

You have not been on the receiving end of his "charm" having spent years developing a product, just to have him go off because the font of the rule book was a half point too small, or the green hue of the hedge was non-standard, or whatever else he decided to pontificate on, which was not actually a major flaw to said product. (Do not get me wrong he can spot and should comment on such major flaws, that he need to put the boot in because there is a minor bustle in the hedge row is another matter.) That is not charm, rather pissing up the wall... So no grasshoppa you would be right out there leg before wicket on your assessment in this regard...;)


The Head Tuomo of the Finnish ASL Community
Jan 29, 2003
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You have not been on the receiving end of his "charm" having spent years developing a product, just to have him go off because the font of the rule book was a half point too small, or the green hue of the hedge was non-standard, or whatever else he decided to pontificate on, which was not actually a major flaw to said product.
I second this. When Hakkaa Päälle was released he made a write up where he spent a lot of words to on how unhappy he was when there was no German 105 mm AA gun available in the countermix for a scenario he designed for Schwerpunkt when we did a comprehensive OB for Finns. This was somehow our fault even tough myself or Lars do not have design credit for Beyond Valor. Fact is that more obscure vehicles and tanks and guns make it to core modules under MMP than in the old Avalon Hill days, it is not just HP but also DB, AoO and FW have the same trend.

Desperation Morale is an extremely valuable resource, as there is no other site with overall info on most of the ASL released. But it is one man show as well.


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
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You have not been on the receiving end of his "charm" having spent years developing a product, just to have him go off because the font of the rule book was a half point too small, or the green hue of the hedge was non-standard, or whatever else he decided to pontificate on, which was not actually a major flaw to said product.
I second this. When Hakkaa Päälle was released he made a write up where he spent a lot of words to on how unhappy he was when there was no German 105 mm AA gun available in the countermix for a scenario he designed for Schwerpunkt when we did a comprehensive OB for Finns.
I will reconsider my position.

When someone is shouting at me and foaming at the mouth, I always chuckle and walk away (at that point, it's either that or come to blows - the person is beyond any sort of rational discussion and is simply embarrassing himself with the tirade). I assumed that the ridiculous nature of such behavior was manifest to all who witnessed it, and that, if such behavior had any effect on someone who was forced to witness it, it was to discredit the position of the one who was ranting. Perhaps my perspective is not universal - certainly I've never had my professional reputation at stake with such a person, as you do.


Elder Member
Mar 2, 2008
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llUnited States
I will reconsider my position.

When someone is shouting at me and foaming at the mouth, I always chuckle and walk away (at that point, it's either that or come to blows - the person is beyond any sort of rational discussion and is simply embarrassing himself with the tirade). I assumed that the ridiculous nature of such behavior was manifest to all who witnessed it, and that, if such behavior had any effect on someone who was forced to witness it, it was to discredit the position of the one who was ranting. Perhaps my perspective is not universal - certainly I've never had my professional reputation at stake with such a person, as you do.
He doesn't foam at the mouth much at all on DM (though he can do sometimes here) rather he just uses his bully pulpit to pontificate in a one man show as Sgt Lukkari has noted. Whilst there is an option to leave comments on DM there is no point, his word will be the last word, rather than the right word or the fair word given the counter view that one might express. He is right and he knows he is right and there is no chance you are. Remember I am talking about when he harps about some minor point, not about his ability to see a flaw in an item. The usefulness of DM is well known and a plus for the hobby, however "the charm" of the operator needs work.


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
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"He is right and he knows he is right and there is no chance you are." vs. "foaming at the mouth"

Hmm, I think that we are splitting hairs here.


Forum Guru
Jun 17, 2003
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The n
"He is right and he knows he is right and there is no chance you are." vs. "foaming at the mouth"

Hmm, I think that we are splitting hairs here.
Until you have been on the receiving end of his rants, I would not judge what people say to be honest, having met the guy at aaSKAoK he was a true gent , but as is normal the keyboard warrior comes out to play ........


The Head Tuomo of the Finnish ASL Community
Jan 29, 2003
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The n

Until you have been on the receiving end of his rants, I would not judge what people say to be honest, having met the guy at aaSKAoK he was a true gent , but as is normal the keyboard warrior comes out to play ........
I spoke with him at ASLOK and he indeed is a nice guy face to face, and I would happily play him.

DM is what it is. It is written in a way that his views are stated as unchallenged general facts and he just sees world in black and white from his viewpoint.
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Elder Member
Nov 3, 2008
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Halifax, NS
I spoke with him at ASLOK and he indeed is a nice guy face to face, and I would happily play him.

DM is what it is. It is written in a way that his views are stated as unchallenged general facts and he just sees world in black and white from his viewpoint.
There are also a lot of shades of gray. Finnish counters for example, and Italians.

Mark told me he hates playing with the Finns. The ASL nationality, not the people. I then convinced him to play Goodbye Brother (a lovely FrF German-Finnish battle, highly recommended) and my super Finns whacked his boys in blue until they were almost as pale and gray as mine.

A thoroughly enjoyable opponent across a table. His website is what it is, he provides personal reviews and can say what he likes. Since there is no other website I know where anyone bothers to review the many ASL products, I think it has something useful and fun to offer.

Oh, I also think it sucks that you had not the right type of 105mm gun in Hakkaa Paale. Not because of the gun, but because you set fire to my Panzer IV. Those things are unrelated only in the practical sense, they are holistically intertwined on a cosmic level.


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
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llUnited States
The n

Until you have been on the receiving end of his rants, I would not judge what people say to be honest, having met the guy at aaSKAoK he was a true gent , but as is normal the keyboard warrior comes out to play ........
I do think that my comment was misconstrued (by "splitting hairs" I meant to indicate that I did not distinguish between the two borish and rude behaviors, not to excuse them). Still, as I have neither met Mr. Pittcavage nor had any interactions with his online persona, I prefer not to extend this discussion (I make this comment only to clarify my earlier remark). I do apologize, though, for expressing myself so flippantly and clumsily.

Philippe D.

Elder Member
Jul 1, 2016
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Got the Kampfgruppe Scherer Player's Guide and FTC Pack 9, both direct from Le Franc Tireur - as usual, Xavier was extra fast - mail sent on sunday, package received today.

Obviously I haven't had the opportunity to try out anything from in there, but it all comes in the usual Franc Tireur production quality (that we've come to expect from some other TPP as well), like color scenario cards with the map showing the terrain and so on.