What I find intriguing, is that the rules from TotR (railroads, late war SS) are included in DB.
Is it the first time that a core module includes rules from another core module – and rules that are apparently not relevant to the module?
At least I am not the only person who noticed this. Though the only parts not (currently) relevant to Doomed Battalions are the "late-war" SS. Early war presummably would have seen plenty of railroads, rail cars and debris.
I can foresee potential scenarios involving independent Greeks or Yugoslavs (not necessarily depicted by partisan counters) vs. late-, or perhaps mid-war interpretations of "SS". Certainly throughout most of the war, Partisans vs. some/many different versions of "SS" units.
I think it makes some sense: the TotR rules and overlays for railroads, rail cars, SS types, and debris rules are to be a major addenda to the system. But not everyone will necessarily be sufficiently interested in "late-war" to purchase TotR. Others may decide to get these same rules with a purchase of this 4th ed. of Doomed Battalions.
Certainly it might make more sense to include these SS counters with a new issue of Partisan (if the whole Partisan genre is upgraded, and separated from Armies of Oblivion, and though I think this may make some sense I have no idea if anyone is planning it).
I would think that officially speaking the Doomed Battalions scenarios and rules probably end with the fall of Greece, and with the fall of Indonesia. Maybe someone knows otherwise. Maybe there are other ideas?