Michael, I have to revise the currently uploaded Bitter Ender 2025 flyer for the correct hotel rate link. I am not sure how to exchange the old flyer for the new one. Can you advise or give me a hand. Ray
Interested in a World Cup match with you at ASLOK. Getting in on Friday night rooming as usual with Philippe Briaux. Will want to go to the picnic but Saturday, Monday and Tuesday will be alright.
Michael, we are a day away or so from a final version of our announcement for the "Bitter Ender." Cool (hopefully no snow) that you are going to the Scandinavian Open. I have went three times in the distant past. These days with nieces and nephews in Germany, I must confine my foreign travel to there but fortunately the Grenadier tournament is again being held.
I Know admins can't cover all threads, but obvious harassment and assaults are common...
I typically respond when there is no other response.
Robin won't address anything against me He doesn't like me at all. (maybe doesn't like my sarcasm) The worst kind of moderator.
I'm trying to better things and I get assaulted on the platforms...
actually I see where Bruno or Doug had sent me your email.... I'll send you the stuff.... also, Doug mentioned you might have some time to help us get data in the right format? We have some data already from Bruno but it is in various formats... cheers -- Marc
Hello Michael, I heard from Doug Rimmer you are the contact for various Canadian ASL Tournaments? Doug asked me to be his sidekick to get missing data for AREA back from 2017 + to May 2020. I think you are aware of this, as you commented in the same thread
Would you be willing to send me your email addy so I can get you the info Doug is setting out? Mine is marchanna.games@gmail.com.