critical hit

  1. Tycho

    spreading the critical hit love

    A critical hit is rolled, random selection gets two units. The following IFT role generates a k/3. Do the units take the k/3 as a stack (1CR and a 3MC based on another RS roll), or individually (They both CR and any remnants take a 3MC) since they are separate units attacked by the same...
  2. Dwindham

    Critical Hit: Dien Bien Phu Squad Leader Review Video

    An in-depth video/review of Critical Hits Dien Bien Phu Comp that I made I was mostly inspired because I did not see a any open box review of Critical Hit's products and I also wanted to see what I personally thought vs what Desperation Morale had wrote.
  3. Blackcloud6

    CH Aller I & II Maps?

    Is anyone working on VASL maps for CH's Across the Aller I & II?
  4. M

    CH items

    Hey guys, As a completest, I've been entertaining thoughts of three of the Critical Hit 4-8 week "crafted for you" items, specifically Russian Rarities 2, Sealed Fate & Maxim Gorki. Having never purchased items described this way before, can someone please tell me whether they will actually...
  5. rossssss

    HE v. Infantry - Critical Hit TEM reversal question

    This is probably an easy one. The situation: An Italian 65mm INF Howitzer fire on a stack in a single level stone building. He rolls a 1,1 on his TH DR. After Random Selection, the unit(s) selected take a 16FP shot. Does the TEM reversal apply to them? -3 in this case. I'm guessing so...
  6. S

    Scenario Review: St6 A New Day Dongs...

  7. Delirium

    Replacement Counters - Afrika Korps

    I pre-ordered and received the AK expansions released back in June of last year. The counters shipped to me were unusable - each of the 4 sheets was cut so badly that counter information was compromised. No problem - I sent scans to Critical Hit, which were acknowledged, requesting...
  8. thively

    CH Stonne Map - Counters won't center

    I'm about to try the CG for Stonne, and as I started to put counters on the map, I noticed the counters would not center in the hexes. Some hexes were closer than others, but most had the counters snapping pretty far from center, up to and sometimes over the hexside. Depending on which side of...
  9. J

    Berlin Variant Rules Clarification - HIP Interior Wall Breaches [BVR34]

    Cross-posted from ASL Rules & Errata: BVR34 in the Berlin: Fall of the Third Reich / Tyrant's Lair rules (Critical Hit) allows for secretly recorded hidden breach locations in "any hex containing an interior wall that begins within a side's setup area". I'm wondering if the definition of...
  10. J

    BVR34 - HIP Interior Wall Breaches [CH: Berlin]

    BVR34 in the Berlin: Fall of the Third Reich / Tyrant's Lair rules (Critical Hit) allows for secretly recorded hidden breach locations in "any hex containing an interior wall that begins within a side's setup area". I'm wondering if the definition of interior walls extends to connected Partially...
  11. I

    Total Axis Pack I Terrain Question

    I recently bought TAP I on ebay. On the maps, there are some hexes with gray spots and others with what looks like a depiction of light woods. Are there any rules floating around in other products for these features? Does anyone know right off hand what these are meant to represent?
  12. Gunner Scott

    Critical Hits new Websight

    Hi- Cruised over to see whats new and it looks like CH! guys have revamped the web sight, looks nice too and included a nifty vidio on the battle for Dein bian Phue: Enjoy, pretty cool indeed! Scott