Gary played a game based almost entirely on skill. He controlled nearly everything (ball, clubs, address, grip, shot shape, etc). All those things he couldn't control (weather, course conditions, hole placement, etc) could be accounted for by proper application of skill. Nothing controls the dice. In ASL, it's possible to do EVERYTHING correct, the most skillful thing imaginable, and the dice will still SCREW you over. You can eek out all the DRM's you want, work your ass off to get to a position for just the shot you set up, and then dice. There is nothing you can do there, and if you are, you're cheating. No one said to Gary Player that hitting the ball 10 yards to the left to avoid the sand trap is illegal. In ASL, there is no "left" of the dice.
For me, that's the thing I hate the most about ASL. Doing everything right and then being fucked by dice. Of course, you can do everything wrong and be bailed out by dice, and I hate that even more. No lesson learned when the dice bail you out. The wrong lessons are learned when they fuck you over. -- jim