Thankfully I have been able to force myself to no longer be a completest. I had cut back on TPP scenario packs a while ago. But recently, and I cannot believe I am saying this, I did not buy the last two BFP products. I have little or nor interest in Bitterest Day, and I have (so far) fought the urge for Mannerheim Cross (this has been the hard one not to get). I love BFP scenarios and boards. But, I am 100% burnt out on getting counters we do not need. At some point enough is enough. Seriously so we really need a 5-1-6 American counter representing a unit armed with shotguns instead of M1s that someone read a book on and will be used in 5-6 scenarios then forgotten about?

That's sarcasm, not being serious.
I am also the same way with boards. Gads enough. The scenarios designers have not caught up to the boards. Give it (and our wallets) a rest. Use the tons of boards out there. I love looking at new maps, but as I start to really look at my ASL collection its getting harder to justify purchases of products which have boards and counters just to have boards and counters. I will say, I played the crap out of Blood and Jungle, Poland in Flames and Crucible of Steel so in the end, those were probably worth the price of admission (hence I am still on the fence with Cross). But I have yet to play anything out of Corregidor and only one out of Neptune.
I get it, boards and counters sell and I still buy anything from MMP, though the day may come (as it did a while ago with a face to face ASL friend) where I just stop with APs and the like.
All of this is just my opinion which in the end is worth less than two cents........

To stay on topic (more or less) I just ordered the Journal.