I tried DYO early on. For the most part I found the purchasing process to be tiresome. Perhaps I had a low patience level back then.
Also, there weren't too many boards available at the time. Not to mention the difficulty of victory conditions. Etc.
I really enjoyed the Schmittgens/Kibler article (General V24 N1), and thought it really put a structure on the process. The unit purchasing remained the same, however, so that part was still tiresome.
I guess it fizzled out for me because my time was better spent playing scenarios, so I figured.
However, I am still intrigued by the concept of DYO, but perhaps a modified version. It would be a combination of: the "DYO My Way" article, incorporating historical modifiers based on theater and date and perhaps expanding on "historical" victory conditions appropriate for time and place; plus some of the elements of SASL concepts, perhaps random unit generation, random map generation, and possibly also modified by "historical" factors; plus features of the well-developed CG concept, in particular by purchasing formations rather than individual units, with appropriate historical tables as in SASL.
This kind of concept has been on my ASL to-do list for quite some time. In my notes and ideas, the concept is fairly well developed. But... real life and all that.
Perhaps one day. I would greatly enjoy a DYO system that allowed me to approximate any particular operation. I find my enjoyment in playing the game per se, and so the DYO aspect would also add a tension that is not found in a structured scenario.
Might even create a gem!
Bruce Bakken