Hungarian Advantages:
Time 10 turns
Unit quality
Unit numbers
The abilty to enter anywhere along the north edge
Infantry smoke on a 3 or less
1. time: yes, a decided advantage. We both agree it's a long time. It is mitigated by the prep time required to perform a river crossing (if, indeed it is even attempted) without it turning into a bloodbath. The approach march to contact will take a couple of turns for the AEs at least, less for the cav/armour. The Yugoslav must look for ways to counter this advantage in particular.
. Unit quality is a lesser advantage, given Yugoslav ability to hide on their own side of the river in greater TEM holes. Also, they should look to minimise their exposure at every opportunity; a close look at the terrain will show that to be possible often. And, once broken, these guys are nearly as useless as Green Yugoslavs.
3. Numbers I Agree there are a lot of Hungarians; but the battle devolves to a small area of the battlefield, which negates the numbers due to the congested area around the bridge. It's nice to have guys to rotate back into the fold when other break, though.
4. Leadership yup, better leaders. Good thing, too. Long range fire into +3 TEM needs help or it'll be a long time for those shots to bear fruit.
5. armor Always nice to have the edge here, but again, reduced due to the nature of the fight. Excepting any Yugoslavs left across the river, they are reduced to mobile MGs; not a bad thing, but not as dominant as typically seen on an ASL battlefield. I don't think, unless late in the scenario and _very_ desperate, they're going to run the AT mine gauntlet. (and I ask: how many times have sappers actually cleared mines in a scenario?)<Okay, I've done it twice
6. Arty: Potentially huge, but if the Hungarains are lax in how they enter them, a hungry Yugoslav will make every effort to destroy them at their weakest: being towed. The arty can force the Yugoslav to either skulk or abandon positions, though this can be lessened a bit by how the Yugos defend:indirectly or up front. The big guns (20FP hurts!) must be taken into account from the outset.
7. Entry: eh, not a big deal unless the Yugoslavs want to hurt any Hungarians on entry. Ultimately, you know where they're going to end up, generally around the bridge, so defenses can devolve back there. The cavalry, IMO, are most problematic in regards to this advantage, the AEs, less so.
8. smoke: Always nice to have, but infantry smoke is of a transitory nature. Open ground in the DFire phase is still open ground. You do lose any FFMO/FFNAM, but the increased MF costs to place and move through smoke adds...time! It won't help the cavalry in the water, but will help set up the AFV screen that will help them prepare to enter the water next turn.
Yugo Advantages:
AT gun
Defending a river crossing
Not much cover for the attacker (plowed fields are in effect)
1. AT Gun: Nice to have but once located can be heaped on by angry Hungarians with guns. No HE, so the 1 FP attacks on infantry are not as appealing, espicially if the gun should malf on one of those shots. Does it cover the bridge or the approaches to the bridge? Interesting choice for the Yugoslav beyond merely placing on the riverbank in view of every Hungarian in Yugoslavia.
2. River crossing: Probably one of the biggest advantages. Broken cavalry IN the river are
dead. The Hungarian must carefully undertake this operation with adequate fire support.
3. Open approach: Another advantage that must be exploited. Broken Huns will stay that way for several turns.
I'd also give the MMGs (long-range FP over the open approaches), TEM, point defense, AT mines, and skulking as advantages, too.
Yes, the Yugoslavs are brittle; they must be handled with that in mind. They must have a 'reaction force' to oppose any river crossing shenanigans as well as as some reserves to replace any broken units covering the bridge. I never said it'd be
easy, only
The Pillboxes will probably be revealed on turn 1 (since this isn't PTO). The PBs cannot cover the entire river, so they can also be avoided forcing the MMGs out into the woods/open making them more vulnerable. You are also assuming a lot that the Hungarian player would attempt the river crossing without support.
Yes, they will be revealed fairly soon. And, no, they cannot cover the entire river. I would pick the Yugoslav left for one, the other to cover the bridge by a sneaky-type spot. One MMG in the PB covering the river on the left (the best side for the Hungarian we've both agreed) will not halt, by itself, a river crossing (especially, heavens forbid, it malfs/breaks!) but it will force caution on any such activity. I also don't mean to imply the Hngarian will not support the crossing, I only point out that any rash crossings will likely be hurt-badly. Any efforts to support the crossings will, by its very nature, take time, which the Yugoslav wants.
The problem I see with the gurrilla force is that the Hungarian player can enter right on top of them. The Hungarian player does not have to chase them, he just enters on top of them and destroys them. Unless you have changed your mind again, we are only talking about 6 green units that have 3 MF. Doesn't require much chasing anyway. If you disperse them they are easily defeated in detail. If you bunch them up they aren't much of a harassing force and easily dealt with by the Assault Engineer force with a FT and a 9-2 leader.
Well, this is part. the Hungarian can enter
almost on top of them. Let's suppose I enter on the wood road near the hill. I leave 3x? on the board edge; one in the road and the others on either side. You attempt entry in the Mph and are forced back...or are you? The wire (please set aside our wire discussion for the moment!) you entered on forces you to take the exit dr which you may fail. Or, if you wait until the Aph, my Green ambush DRM will be decreased by the concealed DRM and your wire TEM will hurt you in the CCph. I have also delayed the deep penetration of your best troops by a whole turn. Also, by its very definition, I would not allow my whole guerrilla force to become engaged initially. Ultimately, Hungarian leadership and MF advantages will prevail but at what cost? More time! I do not expect the guerrillas to survive long, but every turn they do ties up squads, leaders and weapons that could be pounding my hapless bridge defenders. If I were to draw the 9-2 and the FT into a guerrilla hunt, I'd count that as a victory, indeed.
Let's just say I am not convinced. I am not saying that these aren't good ideas -- I am just saying I don't think they are enough.
Well, you didn't (thank goodness!) ask for gar-RON-tees (Justin Wilson mode, OFF), you asked for something to give them a chance. I think it will be hard on the Yugoslav, regardless, but not impossible. MG malfunctions, AT Gun malfunctions...these can railroad the Yugoslav to defeat quickly. An active, though savvy defense is called for; this is a difficult skill to master.
As for this particular scenario, I like the makeup of it: it isn't a cookie cutter affair, but rather one with many layers and facets to it. Options abound for both sides, which I always like to see in a scenario. It's just quirky enough to intruige, I'd hate to see it quickly passed over.