A74 Valhalla Bound - AAR

von Marwitz

Forum Guru
Nov 25, 2010
Reaction score
Kraut Corner
A74 Valhalla Bound - AAR

This action is set on 1. April 1945 in wintery Hungary pitting a massive armored Russian Guards force of 14 T-34/45, SU-85, IS-2, and ISU-122 with Riders and a Truck against an initial dispersed force of 6x 658 SS squads with three leaders and a Hero supported by two SPW 251/1 (yeah, that's the 'normal' one) and a HIP PSW234/4 with a circled B9 raised to 10 for its 75L gun. The Russians may secretly opt to either exit a number of VP or by Controlling a number of Stone Buildings in the village while not losing more than 12 AFV.

Some things important to note:
The SSR are worded a bit ambiguous with regard to road bonus. Having played this, we are convinced that the 'correct' interpretation is that road bonus is only applicable on the SSR'ed paved road, not on the other roads for vehicles.
Furthermore, reviewing the rules for Control it seems that the Buildings on board 10 are initially not Controlled by either side.
The weather can have an important impact for this scenario of 8 full turns. Falling Snow and a Mild Breeze are in effect at start. With Snowfall increasing on a DR of 10+ and stopping (completely) on a DR of 3-, chances are not so unlikely that 'something' will happen throughout the game.
As CC is H-t-H for both sides, things will get vicious if the Russians manage to close in.

This already gives an idea that it will be a rather brutal affair. The Russians enter in two waves of roughly half of their force each in Turn 1 and 2. To exit, they have to cover 1.5 boards's length. The Germans are required to set up in the middle and despite being allowed to set up 2 squad-equivalents (plus SMC/SW) HIP have to make tough choices as they do not know what the Russians might be going for. They will have to divide their forces that are already thin to begin with and consider the very real possibility to be overrun or their paths of retreat being cut off by the Russian juggernaut. Setting up forward, will give them opportunity for some traps and delay, but when they can't fall back to hold the village or to protect the flanks of the German reinforcements entering in Turn 2, they are in trouble. The German reinforcements are hard-hitters: 5 Panzer VG with one 10-2 Armor Leader. These tanks will be sorely needed...

ROAR has this pro German at 48 Russian and 61 German wins as of April 2020 with an extremely impressive fun rating of 7.41 out of 9 with 81 playings! Both my opponent an I can attest, that this fun rating is fully justified.


Russian Turn 1

The first wave came in on the northern flank. During this halfturn, the German can't do much but he might get an idea of some Russian intentions.

German Turn 1

This might be the time where the German can redeploy some of his troops before the Russians are upon him. Yet he might in time get out of some places but on the other hand, the Germans do not know at this point, where the 2nd wave of the Russians will enter.

Russian Turn 2

Snow increased to 'Heavy Snowfall' which aids the approach of the Russians significantly. The Russians entered the 2nd wave on the northern flank as well, approaching the board 17 village quickly and massively. Russian lead elements ended up on board 17 around the U and T hexrows. The Russians were mostly unharmed except for a Rider or two being forced to bail out. Notably, one 628 squad went Berserk when being attacked by Residual after Bailing Out. We played it (likely wrong) that it immediately begins its charge with any remaining MF falling just short one hex of my defenders - but very angry! You will hear more of that 'epic charge' later...

My forces in the 4S3 area found themselves guarding against nothing.

German Turn 2

Falling back before the main onslaught or not? As I had not too much up front, I was not engulfed by the Russian hordes. Yet, it was not easy even in 'midfield' to pull out, but I managed to get most infantry to the Board 4 Z-Woods area which would create the first bottleneck for the Russian hordes.

Around 4S3, I pulled back as fast as I could, but it would be a long and dangerous way.

My tank force entered. As my hunch told me, that the Russians had opted for the village victory condition, I moved 4 Panthers into the village, where they could not yet reach optimal positions. The 5th Panther entered on the hill of board 11 to take up an overview position (but failing its Hull Down attempt).

Russian Turn 3

Now things would begin in earnest... I had pulled all my Infantry into the Woods out of LOS of the vicious Russian Berserker, which charged the empty hex awaiting return to normal at the end of the MPh. The Russian armor pushed hard for the 17BB7 gap forcing me to commit the halftrack which managed to take out two Russian AFV and to survive this half turn. Moreover, it became the new target of the Berserk 628 on its 'Epic Charge'. German HIP infantry failed to find a PF against an ADJACENT IS-2 which was luckily unable to retaliate. I realized, that I would not be able to hold the 'Z-Woods'. In this halfturn, the German Hero, aptly named 'Steiner' started a whole war of his own: He blew up the Russian Truck, killing a Passenger squad with the OB given 127+MMG surviving.

German Turn 3

Only a German 348 and the halftrack were making a valiant stand against the Russian hordes. The 348 now found a PF and killed the IS-2. The halftrack fired and intensive fired to shock an ISU-122 that would later flip to UK and eventually die. But the selfless halftrack went down to a gruesome 122mm shell at double point blank range. Altogether 3x 658, 2xLMG, 1xMMG, and two German Leaders ran for the DD3 area and 17GG5 while the leading Russian armor was already in 17EE8. At this point I had zero German infantry in the village as one of my halftracks was missing a MP to stop and thus its crew could not yet Abandon the vehicle.

Hero 'Steiner' lived up to his name, closing in with the 127+MMG and killing it in CC.

Down south, my infantry fell back but had to cross open ground vs. Russian AFV in the area. The German halftrack escaped but a 348+PSK was broken, which allowed a 7-0 to slip past for the time being.

Russian Turn 4

With not many German units in LOS, the Russians pushed on. First to move was the Russian Berserker towards the last unit he had seen - the already killed halftrack. Along the way, he espied the lone German 348 and switched targets. For Wrecks, Smoke and havoc, he had insufficient MF to reach it, though, so his 'Epic Charge' would have to continue next turn... During this turn, the Russians pushed into and through the 'Z-Woods' partly delayed by Drifting Smoke of the burning wrecks. Unloading Riders had cost some Russian AFV some MPs and they also had to navigate the Smoke and congestion around the 17BB7 bottleneck, which they now passed through, where my last 348 went down in CC.

The Russian 'southern detachment' engaged my fleeing infantry which managed to be a nuisance to them as my opponent could not completely fathom, which dummies might be 'real' and dangerous due to their Winter Camouflage.

German Turn 4

One of my Panthers killed a T-34/85 and another moved into position to engage a Motion IS-2. Then, decisively, from 17AA7 and 17CC3, 2x 658, 2xLMG, 2x German leaders contrieved to escape towards 10EE8 later to advance into 10EE7 and 10DD7. Another 658+MMG reached EE5. With this and a 127+LMG vehicular crew from the Abandoned halftrack, I now had Infantry in the village to safeguard against Russian infantry and to provide support to the Panthers with Panzerfaust-threat. Oberst von Marwitz felt much relieved now - in the event not of command - due to 'Wiederherstellung der Lage'.

'Steiner', until now having single-handedly taken out a Truck, a 458, a 127, and for all practical purposes the Russian MMG, had not had enough. He went on the double, popping into LOS of the Russian 628 Berserkers, taunting them and raising their anger beyond description as well as providing them with a new target. Then he moved out of LOS again to disappear in the snow in his Winter Camo... The 'Epic Charge' of the Berserkers would be prolonged...

Down in the south, I somehow contrieved to retreat my infantry and at the same time threaten a SU-85, keeping the Russian AFVs in the area busy.

Russian Turn 5

All of a sudden, heavy snowfall stopped... The Russian grunts went: "*§%@!!" All Russians that had been broken by various causes had rallied. One T-34/85 managed to dogde at PSK shot (which broke on its first shot), Russian infantry moved into the 17EE7 orchard area and 17DD7 Woods area. An IS-2 tank which my 10-2 Armor Leader had in its crosshairs since last turn from 10DD0 attempted to move out of LOS from 17BB10 into the CC10 Woods - only to Bog there. And to remain in LOS. But in a succession of 4xnines, 2xtens and 1xeleven, my Panthers contrieved to miss or not kill anything in sight, the exception being a T-34/85 in 17FF8. Instead, my lone Panther in 11H7 in (meanwhile) Hull Down position found itself acquired by no less than four 122L guns... The Russian infantry around the Orchard area was making insufficient progress and things were not looking good. The Germans were meanwhile firmly lodged in the village, having taken control of 6 buildings and were in position to lay down three Fire Lanes and cover the approach to the Panthers with Panzerfaust fire.

The 628 Berserkers continued their 'Epic Charge', but - oops - fell short of reaching their target 'Steiner', now holed up in 17P2. The charge would have to continue...

German Turn 5

Now, my 348+PSK in 11D2 and my 658+LMG in 11E5 rallied. Together with my Dummy-force, they were to go on a local offensive. But first, my Panther on 11H7 wanted to sell its hide dearly: He killed an ISU-122 in 17FF9, but unfortunately didn't burn it which would have created cover against two further Russian AFV. So he Intensive Fired, shocking an IS-2. When a second IS-2 decided to fire on my retreating 658+LMG in 11I8, I thought I now had all of a sudden good chances to survive with my Panther as I would only have to survive a single 122mm BU shot at 13 hexes against a Hull Down position. It was not to be and so my first Panther was taken out. However, the 658+LMG was out of LOS now guarding the 'back-door' of the village.

My 7-0, two Dummies and 348+PSK moved forward to threaten a Motion SU-85, didn't manage to get it this turn, but they sure looked theatening and indeed were now ADJACENT with their PSK for the next Turn.

Up north, my 10-2 Armor Leader finally managed to hit the IS-2 in 17CC10 (only just) but only immobilized it with its crew surviving but being broken by the Panther's MG fire and then killed by infantry fire, practically eliminating the Immobilized IS-2 as a threat. A second Panther sallied forth from the village to 17FF7 trying to take out a Motion ISU-122 but failing to do so. MG fire of the same tank did break an ADCAJENT Russian squad, though. Then, the Panther moved off to take position in 17FF9 threatining the ISU-122 once more and to pose a problem for an upcoming Russian infantry advance towards the village. The German infantry in the village took positions that allowed for up to 4 overlapping firelanes while the MGs of the 4 Panthers and a 658 would make any approach to the village a very hazardous undertaking. The crew of the second halftrack had meanwhile moved to occupy and Control yet another building.

Hero 'Steiner' contemplated to have the Berserkers chase him yet for another 8 hexes just for the fun of it, but that would have entailed exposing himself to a 3 -2 shot. So as the Berserkers were lured so far off the frontline that they were effectively neutralized for this game, he instead left his building out of the back door out of LOS and silently disappeared into the snow with this Winter Camo. Yet, the Berserkers would have to charge the building, were Steiner was last seen... The 'Epic Charge' would have to continue just a bit.

Russian Turn 6

The Russian realized that his situation was not good but wanted to see if the weather might change and if some freaks of luck might bring him back into the game. Snowfall did not resume, but the shocked IS-2 in 4CC10 recovered.

The Berserker continued his 'Epic Charge' from 17R3 to 17P2. But taunting 'Steiner' had disappeared without a trace. No less furious than ever but totally exhausted, the 'Epic Charge' would be over at the end of this MPh. The Berserkers had charged for 5 turns, covered no less than 23 hexes, 26MF, vainly trying to come to grips with 6 targets. A tale worth to tell. Here is the route of the 'Epic Charge':


At the front, the Motion ISU-122 in 17EE6 threatened by my Panther in 17FF9 charged it boldly, approaching while my Panzersoldaten calmly held their fire. When the ISU-122 stopped ADJACENT, my 75LL cracked a shot, killing the ISU. At that point, the Russians conceded.

So far the Russians had lost the Truck, 8 AFV, one IS-2 was Immobile and Abandoned with its crew dead. Infantry losses were 3 squad equivalents plus the OB-given 127 plus one surviving vehicular crew, the 9-1 Leader, and 3x LMG.

The Germans had lost their PSW 234/4, one Panther, the detonated DC, a PSK broken on the first shot and a 348.

The weather played a significant role in our playing with the intensity of Falling Snow increasing early in the game (helping the Russians more than the Germans) but later ceasing (helping the Germans more than the Russians). With up to 16 weather rolls, one can expect the Snowfall to change throughout the scenario at some point (unless one would expect to be comparably lucky to be able to fire an infantry Flamethrower 16 times without it going empty...).

This is the situation at the end of the game:


Great fun to play this scenario. Despite having lost, my opponent rated the fun-level at 8 of 9 while I gave it a good 7.

von Marwitz
Last edited:

Michael R

Minor Hero
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Feb 4, 2003
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La Belle Province
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My memory is that the Panthers are the "D" model, rather than the "G" model, one of their rare appearances in ASL. Pretty sure I had one immobilize on a start-up DR. I agree that it was an exciting scenario in my experience.

von Marwitz

Forum Guru
Nov 25, 2010
Reaction score
Kraut Corner
My memory is that the Panthers are the "D" model, rather than the "G" model, one of their rare appearances in ASL. Pretty sure I had one immobilize on a start-up DR. I agree that it was an exciting scenario in my experience.
I just double-checked in the printed Annual: It is indeed the "G" model.

von Marwitz


Keeper of the Funk
Feb 10, 2003
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Rock Bottom
llUnited States
And some say the Epic Charge continues to this day...


Grenadier TD
Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Steiner, always Steiner... What about Uffz. Krüger, Kern and "Schnurrbart" ???

von Marwitz

Forum Guru
Nov 25, 2010
Reaction score
Kraut Corner
And some say the Epic Charge continues to this day...
Well, technically they were not 'done' when the game ended because the Russians conceded during the MPh and the Berserkers would only have lost that status at the end of the MPh. So you are right...

So instead of drinking in Valhalla, those Berserkers will charge for eternity.

von Marwitz

Michael R

Minor Hero
Staff member
Feb 4, 2003
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La Belle Province
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I just double-checked in the printed Annual: It is indeed the "G" model.
von Marwitz
Well phooey. That means I played with the inferior "D" model in error. I looked up my AAR (in the scenario archive) to see that one of them even immobilized.


Keeper of the Funk
Feb 10, 2003
Reaction score
Rock Bottom
llUnited States
Well, technically they were not 'done' when the game ended because the Russians conceded during the MPh and the Berserkers would only have lost that status at the end of the MPh.
Sounds like the last scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where the army is charging the castle but the Bobbies pull up and put an end to all that.


The Head Tuomo of the Finnish ASL Community
Jan 29, 2003
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Sounds like the last scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where the army is charging the castle but the Bobbies pull up and put an end to all that.
"Nothing to see here! Disperse!"