Jeff Waldon
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  • I have thought about it. I wouldn't mind going. I would rather drive it than fly. Are you going?
    Read Starship Troopers on Sunday. It was a decent book. Iam surprised I never read anything by Heinlen considering I was a voracious reader growing up. I am still messing with the VASL and when I get it set up we'll have to get a game in.
    A game? Against you? *sigh* alright. I'll be getting in (hopefully) Tuesday night. Will you be there all week?
    Run into any wannabes lately? I already reserved a room at ASLOK from 10/03/10-10/11/10. I think I asked if you needed a roomie for ASLOK at Bitter Ender. If you don't need one or the dates don't work out let me know. I think a lot of the guys in the group up here are going this year so getting a roomie is not a problem. Let me know. As soon as I figure out the VASL stuff we'll have to get a game in. Talk to you later.
    Thanks, for the rep and for prompting me to rep Gunner. Sometimes after I read a really good, funny or informative post I forget to rep, especially after a long session reading posts, You woke me up.
    Sorry about that brain fart I had on Sunday morning. For some reason I was thinking of panzerfausts and the CCV of squads that used a SW. None of which applied to that situation. Of course you were right from the get go but it took me a second to see the light. If you're interested in a roomie for ASLOK, let me know.
    I should be at the hotel by 1700 on Thursday. When you get in, you can call me at 313 220-8207.
    I'll be chicking in to the hotel around 5 pm on the 11th. If you're in that early, maybe we can get a game in or just nurse some beer. Let me know.
    Do you need a roomie for Bitter Ender? I already booked a double room for the 11th to the 15th.
    You going to Bitter Ender? I think I am going to come on down for it. Any problem if I show up with just my dice and rule books?
    Hey Jeff, Glade you liked the Wunderfaffe counters. Sheri, I, and the girls really enjoyed Charleston. So much so that we have discussed moving there.

    Hope to see you at the ASL Open in Chicago in April or in Champaign, IL in February.
    Jeff- it's John, not Jim. You may not remember, we had a very tight game of Blackjack is Back last year. I am going. I don't think Andy is. See you there! Maybe we'll get a game in.

    Hey brother, contact me when you get a chance at
    Believe it or not, but our conversation in the bar had far reaching impact. My research top is Operation Forager, which also has great ASL potential.

    Hi Jeff,

    I too am retired and living in Okinawa as a DoDDs school teacher. I ran across your name in this forum and sent you the email. I was not even sure it went and then did not know how to check to see if you replied until I discoved that technique today. I am glad you are doing well. Perhaps we will run across each other for a scenario or two!

    S/F, Kevin
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