You can view your alts altogether like that?
Not really, it just depends on how many accounts & PC's you have access to at one time, in my case 3.
It's another "composite" shot of my Kin-group: I brought on 1 character per account together at one time = 3 characters, positioned them then took a screenshot, logged them off brought on "3" more... then merged them into one shot. Main problem is that the LotRO camera always keeps "your" character in center screen so I have to use one character as the frame/angle holder while everyone else positions around that character. In this case the Hobbit in the center is frame holder. The biggest issue is when you have to remove the frame holder to get other alts on the same account into a shot. It then comes down to repositioning the camera just so to match the original frame holders perspective- which is not as easy as it sounds with multipile characters.
I think this final "merged" screenshot required 150 separate screenshots of trying different positions & "emotes" to get what I wanted. This one was fairly basic & quick. Waiting for the A.I. to get a character bored & doing other emotes & then catching it in the act takes the longest time.
I have a "Kinship screenshot Story" (@150 final screenshots) of how all the members got together plus some of their background history in screenshots - that required well over 500 screenshots to create. (yes I have a lot of time on my hands) I did post some previously above: posts # 39/41/53.
When I get bored of actually playing I start looking for interesting locations to make a screenshot story that allowa all level characters to get to. (Some locations require you to have a specfic quest, level or reputation to get to like into Moria & Lorien)
One hint- if you try this composite style "outside" during the day time better take all your screenshots very quicky as the sun is moving & always changing the lighting & shadows. Within a few minutes time it's easy to see the differences between shots- which is why making them inside with a constant light source is much easier.