Re: M.E. Screenies!
Here’s a multi-info screen-shot for you: forgot to turn on a few things so 2 shots.
A. The screen-setup for my 60 Hunter for those who asked.
B. A look at the Lorien area and the golden “hazy” gleam it has.
C. What a “protected Animal in Lorien looks like has the “Protected” name under the target name. Kill these & you lose a few Rep points with the Elves. (Watch out for the Anduin Lizards down here mean tough buggers)
Setup changes: (I don’t like a cluttered screen :angry
1. I moved my “Vitals” and my “Targets Vitals” to the bottom middle so I can keep my eyes on the action & don’t have to keep looking up to the corner to see how I’m fairing.
2. Reduced all my main bar / skill boxes to take up less space.
3. Reduced & moved my “Progression Bar” to the lower right corner & out of the way.
4. Reduced my Radar / map in size.
5. Put one of my “Quick Slot” bars to the right vertically & out of the way for some of my frequently used “out of combat” skills. (at bottom is "Cry of the Predator " skill (yellow wolf) vs. non-humanoid creatures)
6. Stacked my 3 main Quick Slot bars- horizontally: the top 2 are all “out of combat” skills that only appear if I open up a bag. (Guides mostly) The 3rd bar has my heals / main traps / long cool down ranged attacks.
7. Combat Bar- I work middle to left (ranged) or right (melee). The further to the left = higher Focus costing shots. Right of center are my 2 “mob delay” shots “Bards Arrow” (fear) “Distracting shot” (Daze) to keep them off me.
8. Reduced & moved my quest tracker off to the side. With some of the various quest colors.
Others probably have better setups but I use this general layout for all my characters.
Bags- it doesn’t really matter where you put stuff but mine:
Bag 1- potions, food buffs- heals, combat buff’s I also keep my 1 shot “Heart Seeker” (purple) bow here, it does 10% more HS dmg when used and since I use it as an opening shot I have time to equip & un-equip it. (My main bow has -ranged evade, damage & critical multipliers etc.
Bags 2-5 are almost always empty so I can collect lots of stuff when I go out hunting! (I went out collecting hides for about 2 hours in Eregion & made a Gold in selling junk. :thumup: )
Bag 6 – has my traps, legendary weapons I’m leveling, etc.
I've seen a few mods that change the graphic of the bars etc. but I'm to lazy to download them.
BTW- use “ctrl & forward slash (\)” to bring up the UI so you can move items around on your screen, to reduce sizes go to the Options / U.I. setting panel for the sliders.