Scott Tortorice
Senior Member
Beasts of War
Anybody familiar with the Beasts of War website?
I am really impressed by this site! It's sort of like the IGN of the miniatures world. They seem to cover everything, complete with lots of videos! Very impressive!
I haven't registered yet, but I think I will. Now, I just need to find the time to actually start working with some minis rather than just thinking about rejoining the hobby. Probably won't happen until the Christmas rush is over, though.
Hope I'm still interested by then. 
Anybody familiar with the Beasts of War website?
I am really impressed by this site! It's sort of like the IGN of the miniatures world. They seem to cover everything, complete with lots of videos! Very impressive!
I haven't registered yet, but I think I will. Now, I just need to find the time to actually start working with some minis rather than just thinking about rejoining the hobby. Probably won't happen until the Christmas rush is over, though.