Thanks a lot for taking into consideration (and speaking of) my SASL MGP and SASL++ projects.
I do hope everyone using this "system" is going to have fun with SASL! These are ever-evolving projects. Unfortunately, this is all done by myself with some occasional help from outside. This means that rules and Missions (Situations, as I call them) do need some extensive playtesting. I have played quite a number of Mission with these rules, but there are situations that occur very rarely (like air attacks, for example), so it is still difficult to say how well they work.
The same holds true for the Situations. Some of them received a good number of playings, some others were played too few to understand how "balanced" they are (something always difficult in SASL).
In any case, please feel free to ask any questions and suggest changes/improvements.
One thing that I know ASL player dislike, is the use of a d10. This makes developement and tweaking much easier. However, I have the plan to drop the d10 at some time and return to the standard d6 for all tables.
Those who lack a d10 in VASL, may download a
VASL d10 Extension from my facebook page (Boardgame Mods Repository; see link below).
There are some other resources there, which include:
1) An Excel Spreadsheet for
selecting Mapboards (customizable, so that you can add whatever board you want in each category (Rural, Village, etc.). In this implementation all boards have the same probability of being selected; this should add more variety (I hope!). You can find this in the
Files section.
2) An Excel Spreadsheet for selecting hex coordinates (so that you can avoid using chits and restrict the letters/numbers at your will). You can find this in the
Files section.
3) A list of Question, Clarifications and Errata. You can find this in the
Guides section.
Here is a link to the page:
Boardgame Mods Repository Page
Please, remember that everything is totally free to download. Admission to the Facebook group is automatic. I decided to open a Facebook group bacause it allows me to upload all of my stuff in a sigle place.
Thank you and happy SASLing!