Search results for query: New York State ASL Championship

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  1. Vic Provost

    Albany 2024 - DEC 5th to 8th

    You will be missed but have a great time at WO2025, I'm looking forward to getting the Bonus Scenario Pack. Have fun and roll low, Vic.
  2. Michael R

    Albany 2024 - DEC 5th to 8th

    Just in case people wonder why I am not at the New York State ASL Championship, it is because I'm going to Winter Offensive next month. I'm sure you will have fun without me. :)
  3. clubby

    Grudge Rules as Tournament Rules

    What was the issue?
  4. Michael R

    Grudge Rules as Tournament Rules

    There is a list of Tournament SSR for the New York State Championship. I remember some tournament somewhere specifying “no Schwerpunkt dice”.
  5. Michael R

    My shortish AAR from the New York State ASL Championship

    Here is a recap of my rounds at the New York State ASL Championship. Round one: Mike McGrath (repeat opponent, 2018, 1991) and AP196 SILVER & BRONZE (new to me scenario). First line German infantry with 4 Hetzers, reinforced by second line infantry with 3 Stug3L coming from the other side, try...
  6. Michael R

    Michael R at the New York State ASL Championship

    My games played at the New York State ASL Championship. I played HAZMO29 THE HEIGHTS OF HUBRIS with Kevin Killeen. We had played together recently at ASLOK 2022. In this scenario, mixed German infantry with assault engineers, air, DC, FT, 4 AFV, reinforced by more of the same, try for hill...
  7. Michael R

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    I purchased the ECZ scenario pack while at the New York State ASL championship. I played one of them during the tournament and looked at two others for the tournament. I liked the one that I played, ECZ11 Brine and something.
  8. Michael R

    BFP: Objective Schmidt

    Steve Pleva chose two of its scenarios for the New York State ASL Championship, so that tells me that there is something good there.
  9. J. R. Tracy

    HazMo 3 Seaside Retreat - 2021 Albany Tournament Round 1

    At this year's New York State ASL Championship in Albany, I decided to try to play only scenarios from Hazardous Movement - these are big, interesting cards and I looked forward to trying as many as possible. Scenario HazMo 3 Seaside Retreat Opponent Vic Rosso Deep in thought Situation...
  10. B


    All, Rundown on my recent trip to the New York State ASL Championships (aka Albany Tournament). So, it was great to be back at a Face-to-Face ASL tournament! The only downside from a tournament preparedness perspective was that since Sean Deller and I have been concentrating on the...
  11. M

    ASLSK New York State Championship 3 & 4 December 2021

    Updated (shortened) New York State ASL Starter Kit Championship Information. The tournament will be held on 3 & 4 December 2021 The tournament will be comprise of four rounds and will not be held if there is less than 8 registered players. The cutoff on getting 8 players will be 24...
  12. M

    ASLSK New York State Championship 3 & 4 December 2021

    The Advanced Squad Leader New York State Starter Kit Championship will be held on 3 & 4 December 2021 The Albany Advanced Squad Leader New York State Championship has a long and storied history. It is one of the preeminent tournament events on the ASL calendar. Here are the particulars...
  13. von Marwitz

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    'Winning the Hearts and Games' seems to be a sound and profitable tactic, though very difficult to pull off. ;) von Marwitz
  14. igycrctl

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Not sure if this counts, since I didn’t technically buy it, but I won Corregidor: The Rock in a raffle at the New York State ASL Championship in Albany.
  15. M

    Albany ASLSK Event IS ON!!

    Here is some additonal information regarding the ASLSK Tournament in Albany. The SK tournament will conclude at the end of Saturday, 7 Dec. 2019. Advanced Squad Leader New York State Championship The Albany Advanced Squad Leader New York State Championship has a long and storied history. It is...
  16. T

    Albany ASLSK Event IS ON!!

    ...several weeks ago by the (SERIOUSLY) great Steve Pleva to help him get an SK presence kick-started at this years New York State ASL Championship Tournament. I gave him a list of scenarios for each round and some discussion on SK things. Sadly I had already committed to present at a conference...
  17. T

    Starter Kit Player interest in ALBANY

    ...several weeks ago by the (SERIOUSLY) great Steve Pleva to help him get an SK presence kick-started at this years New York State ASL Championship Tournament. I gave him a list of scenarios for each round and some discussion on SK things. Sadly I had already committed to present at a conference...
  18. Michael R

    APCR (ASL Player Comparative Ratings)

    The Canadian ASL Open uses a "draw" option when a match must be adjudicated, but the adjudicators all feel that they cannot pick a winner. Each player receives half of the ten points normally awarded for a win. This coincides with Aaron's view that the match was actually incomplete. I think that...
  19. C

    ASL public calendar of upcoming tournaments

    Von Garvin, Hello. Hope all's well. 2018 Albany ( New York State ASL Championship ) dates have just been set...not sure how you list it, but Main Tournament is Friday 11/30-Sunday 12/2,with Open Gaming, including a Steve Pleva team tournament on Thursday 11/29. Same Hotel as 2017, Best...
  20. Michael R

    ASL Plans for 2018

    Work more on the Ortona module. Attend the Chicago ASL Open for the first time. Attend the Canadian ASL Open. Spreading Blaze in Atlanta (also for the first time), ASLOK and maybe the New York State ASL Championship.