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Article Finer Points - Some things to keep in mind to better your play 2016-10-01

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Advanced Squad Leader
Note by von Marwitz:
I picked up this article long ago and made a habit of going through that list once in a while until I remembered most things. I can't take credit for the article, nor do I know its author - except that his name is Jeff.

Here is the author's description of its contents:
The rules are complicated enough that it's easy to forget some of the finer points of the game. Most of the below points will be obvious, but you may be surprised at what you've forgotten. The list below is not inclusive; it is not meant as a synopsis o f the rules; nor is it meant as a tactical discussion. Some of these points may be out of context, so double check the cited rule if you think I've made a mistake. I've so far made two and have had to clarify two more. There are 86 pointers. How many of them do you know?
von Marwitz
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Great tips for learning and for review. Great tips for learning and for review. Great tips for learning and for review.
Quintessential set of information on ASL rules that you never remember in a 5 min read before a game . Referenced and able to be quoted to defend your point of view, a must prior to a tourney, great for a PBEM - Thank you von Marwitz for bringing us this back in easy to access point