Augustus 8th, 54 AD
On this date the very first scenario special rule was introduced to board gaming. It was in the original Cohort Leader, scenario CL 27, The Rubicon Bridgehead.
It read: Special Rule; Any cohort within one javelin throw of the Testacles Maximus Centurion has it's Cojones Level increased by one. And so it began. Great rule and greater scenario!
August 8th, 1987
Paw of the Tiger
Allies = Darryl Axis = Fish
Begun 1600 Ends 0140
Turn 9A Fish wins
August 9th, 1987
Paw of the Tiger
Allies = Darryl Axis = Fish
Begun 0146 Ends 0515
Turn 5B Darryl wins
August 9th, 1987
Dash For the Bridge
Allies = Darryl Axis = Fish
Russians get the balance
Begun 1040 Ends 1504
Turn 9A Darryl wins
August 9th, 1987
Dash For the Bridge
Allies = Darryl Axis = Fish
Begun 1505 Ends 1616
Turn 1B Fish wins
August 9th, 1987
Gavin Take
Allies = Fish Axis = Darryl
Begun 1845 Ends 2118
Turn 5B Fish wins