Tips and tricks


Apr 8, 2005
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Fort Worth, TX
llUnited States
RangerBooBoo said:
I can understand your frustration as I end up doing this once or twice a turn it seems like. Go to the top menu bar and select AI and then scroll down and select "view/delete AI orders". It will pop up a dialogue box where you can select the orders for a formation and then delete them.
Thanks, got it under control now!


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2006
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llUnited States
I can understand your frustration as I end up doing this once or twice a turn it seems like. Go to the top menu bar and select AI and then scroll down and select "view/delete AI orders". It will pop up a dialogue box where you can select the orders for a formation and then delete them.
This has happened to me at the end of a game, and now in the middle of a very good one. I attempted to remove the AI thing, but apparently I didn't as my units moved out of postion after I had taken care to not have this happen. Very frustrating. I will try again next turn--provided it hasn't cost me the game---I HATE THIS FUNCTION--and would never use it on purpose. Most annoying--not sure if it is enough for me to advise against the game--as it is pretty fun, but it certainly is a distraction to an otherwise enjoyable experience.



HPS Games Forum Moderator
Jun 3, 2004
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Virginia, USA
Hummm...I play pretty regularly and I never have an issue with this. If you want to send me more details to the Support account we can check into how exactly it is happening and see if there's something that can be done about it...


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2006
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llUnited States
Hummm...I play pretty regularly and I never have an issue with this. If you want to send me more details to the Support account we can check into how exactly it is happening and see if there's something that can be done about it...
I suspect I fumbled the keyboard and hit the "alt" key combo, and then neglected to effectively delete all the units affected. I suspect next turn I will be able to correct the issue--won't know until after the turn (as it moves after one completes the turn--then one can't turn back and must suffer the results--that to me is frustrating--I suppose one could have a "do you want to move AI units come up?" when it is turned on--alerting the player of this, but given that my issue seems to be unique, I suspect this isn't a good addition). I can't see a big use for the function myself, but obviously some people like it. I just need to be more careful with the keyboard, I suppose. Pretty sure it is unique to my fumbling fingers--and a need to take more care that it is indeed deleted as a function when it mistakenly occurs.


Elder Member
May 9, 2005
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United States
llUnited States
I suspect I fumbled the keyboard and hit the "alt" key combo, and then neglected to effectively delete all the units affected. I suspect next turn I will be able to correct the issue--won't know until after the turn (as it moves after one completes the turn--then one can't turn back and must suffer the results--that to me is frustrating--I suppose one could have a "do you want to move AI units come up?" when it is turned on--alerting the player of this, but given that my issue seems to be unique, I suspect this isn't a good addition). I can't see a big use for the function myself, but obviously some people like it. I just need to be more careful with the keyboard, I suppose. Pretty sure it is unique to my fumbling fingers--and a need to take more care that it is indeed deleted as a function when it mistakenly occurs.
When I was doing some testing for Glenn around the Divisional Movement Orders I recall mentioning if there was anyway to redo the key strokes for AI Movement Orders to prevent triggering it. If I recall correctly, he indicated the code was buried pretty deep in the program and not likely an area to be touched.

Glenn - Question for you.

Mike brings up a good point. When you have AI Movement orders on and (assuming you have the Ask before Advancing box checked), the program asks to you continue, you hit yes, it goes through the AI movement then you have to the advance turn once more. While you know all of this, here is the question-

If you have AI orders on, would it be a big change for the program to ask you to move to the AI Movement Phase rather than just advance turn (as if no AI Movement orders were in place)? Not sure if this is also buried in code not to be touched again, but thought this might be a easy change to prevent someone from getting clumsy with the Division Movement Orders and not paying attention.


Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
I have a game going with a new player and he asks a lot of questions-usually good ones. I am including them in this and invite everyone to comment.

Q. Question for you on assaulting. As you can see from the replay, I assaulted with single units rather than massing the attackers all at once. My primary reason for doing it in this situation was to try to win "on the cheap" and to be able to move the uninvolved units further. As a general rule, what do you find better clears a hex, several successive assaults at lower odds or fewer attacks at higher odds?

A. Disrupting the unit first, leaving it a retreat path open for it, and then minimum assault to clear it. I assumed you wanted to force the enemy to retreat, not eliminate it. If eliminate it, then do not leave it a retreat path. As far as the size goes it depends on the size of the defender. I try to avoid assaulting undisrupted units-usually cost prohibitive. Single unit assaults lead to multiple DF against you and more chances of you being disrupted.

Q. Same kind of thing for fire combat. But here I'm more interested in causing fatigue rather than losses. Do I max enemy fatigue by firing individual units or is it better to mass them? From what I can tell of the way automatic defensive fire works, it seems as if every time I do something in a hex under observation (fire, assault, change mode) I make myself liable to defensive fire, so in that sense, the fewer times I "activate" my units the better.

A. I do not fire at units to cause higher fatigue. I fire to disrupt units. Once disrupted I switch to other available targets. When I am on the defensive I tend to minimize my shots especially when faced with multiple units. Many times if forced to fire I fire in stacks to minimize DF back. Fatigue is not the issue, disruption is. I try not to get my units disrupted by defensive fire in my turn-my opponent doesn’t use MPs to do so so basically a free shot. It means he does not have use fire (and MP) to disrupt me in his next turn, will face less DF before he assaults, and can clear the hex with minimum force.

Q. Am I correct in thinking that if I try an air mission (either strike or recon) and I get a message of either "intercepted by enemy aircraft" or "intercepted by SAMs", that while I don't get the air mission that turn, it is available for use again the next turn, i.e. unlike a successful mission which is "used" and has to pass the parameter data check to become available again.

A. As far as I know yes.

Q. Is there a quick way (in the editor possibly) of seeing the combat and movement values of the various unit types, or am I going to have to check them out in the unit view and write the stats down somewhere?

A. I think the OOB Editor is your best


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
llUnited States
To mass move your units, select one of the units then use the ALT key and right click on where you want it to go. This will produce a red arrow. Then in the menu, go to AI then activate AI movement and the units belonging to the same parent unit will all move in the same direction. This helps when playing huge scenarios with hundreds of batallions.
Oh, wow, that was totally what I was wanting to know after commanding units one-by-one. I can actually probably handle the main scenarios now. Thanks!
Also during assaults you should try to let units with the same morale assault together. This is because the lowest morale is used for the assault resolution. So if you attack with, say, three Cav Squadrons with A morale and add some riff-raff unit with C morale you basically neutralized the superior morale of the Cav Squadrons, because the whole assault will be resolved with the C morale modifiers. Bad idea. :confused:
Glad I heard about this.


Elder Member
May 9, 2005
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United States
llUnited States
Oh, wow, that was totally what I was wanting to know after commanding units one-by-one. I can actually probably handle the main scenarios now. Thanks!

You can also use the Divisional Movement Orders to move your troops around in a expeditious manner. It is similar to the AI Movement Orders, but gives you a bit more control. You can find it in the manual under Divisional Movement Orders.


Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Boise, Idaho, USA
llUnited States
Phil - in your question and answers:

1. Attacking units - one trick is to get the defender out of the good terrain and then surround it. So a mix of both of what you are saying is good.

2. Firing to disrupt rather than fatigue. Its sort of the same thing. I have fired on units just to get them to fatigue more not caring whether they disrupt or not. Its a valid tactic. Works best when you are wearing down the huge armored behemoths of the Germans. Sometimes you have to fatigue units for up to six turns before they disrupt. Think what you and your opponent were saying were the same thing.

If I know that a defender is Digging In then assaulting them is an option as they are worth 1/2 value.

Has anyone else noted this but it seems that unless a unit IS disrupted that you can't win the assault? Only on rare cases have I been able to push a unit out of a hex if it wasn't disrupted. It took losses instead.

So Phil's recipe is correct. Disrupt them first and then assualt.


Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
"When firing on a target, if you plan on using all your availible points towards that (such as a fire mission with artillery on a single hex) press and hold the "Alt" key when you click on the target hex. This will automatically expend all points in as many salvos as the unit can fire."

Whenever I try this it attempts to make an assault? What am I doing wrong?


Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
How would you fire on a target to fatigue and not disrupt? You mean just dont fire at disrupted units?