*stands still a moment*
"but sir, with all due respect, what heavy weapons could be possibly find in this burnt out hell hole.. and if we do, of what use would they be? What? Are we going to use a RPG to kill a pissed off poodle?? are you hoping the viral contamination is goin to be solid and a hundred feet tall???"
*watches as the unit continues on course to crash site*
*mutters under breath* "frag it to hell... so be it"
*pulls out comlink from pack and adjust frequency*
"Agent Alpha - niner reportin in, come in command... over"
"Agent Alpha - niner reportin in, come in command... over"
*kicks over near by garbage can and then follows the unit on their flank keeping a watchfull eye out*
*speaks half to self*
"Theres never a cold beer around when you need one*
*fades into shadows again and trails the lead unit*
"but sir, with all due respect, what heavy weapons could be possibly find in this burnt out hell hole.. and if we do, of what use would they be? What? Are we going to use a RPG to kill a pissed off poodle?? are you hoping the viral contamination is goin to be solid and a hundred feet tall???"
*watches as the unit continues on course to crash site*
*mutters under breath* "frag it to hell... so be it"
*pulls out comlink from pack and adjust frequency*
"Agent Alpha - niner reportin in, come in command... over"
"Agent Alpha - niner reportin in, come in command... over"
*kicks over near by garbage can and then follows the unit on their flank keeping a watchfull eye out*
*speaks half to self*
"Theres never a cold beer around when you need one*
*fades into shadows again and trails the lead unit*