The way to do this is to create a second scenario in vasl-templates, with the Russians, and then manually create a label (described in the help) for the MOL in your VASL scenario.
If you
really want it in the Extras tab, that part of the program is extensible, so you can add a new file in $
/data/default-template-pack/extras/. You can use
$/data/default-template-pack/mol.j2 as a starting point, but there will be a few changes needed.
Try something like this:
<html> <!-- vasl-templates:id {{SNIPPET_ID}} -->
<!-- vasl-templates:name Molotov cocktails -->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<td colspan="2" style="
background: {{PLAYER_COLORS["russian"][0]}} ;
border-bottom: 1px solid {{PLAYER_COLORS["russian"][2]}} ;
padding: 2px 5px ;
font-size: 105% ; font-weight: bold ;
<img src="{{PLAYER_FLAGS["russian"]}}" {{PLAYER_FLAG_SIZE_LARGE}}> Molotov Cocktail
<td style="padding:0 5px;">
<b>MOL check</b>: dr ≤ 3 (△) <br>
<table style="margin:0 0 5px 10px;">
<td style="width:25px;"> +1 <td> HS/crew
<td> +2 <td> SMC
<td> +1 <td> CX
<td> +1 <td> non-AFV target
<b>IFT DR original colored dr</b>:
<ul style="margin-bottom:5px;">
<li> 1 = Flame in target Location
<li> 6 = thrower breaks, Flame in their Location
<b>Kindling Attempt</b>: +2 DRM
There's actually one there already that does pretty much the same thing, in $