Hi, everyone. I encountered an amusing graphical error today. While my battlecruisers were slugging it out with the brits, I noticed that not all the damage graphics were displaying correctly. My targets were not covered in the usual scorches, craters, and giant jagged holes. Instead, I seemed to be pummeling my opponents with houses, apartments, and factories. I'm not entirely sure how the German gunners managed to fit such ammunition into their guns, but it proved just as capable of destruction as the regular stuff. I almost fell out of my chair when I zoomed in on HMS Indefatigable and saw debris, shattered superstructure, and a London suburb sprouting up on the fantail. There were also a number of apartments and factories stuck in the side of the ship. I took a screenshot once I stopped laughing enough to wipe the tears out of my eyes. Then I told my gunners "whatever it is you're firing, it's blown up two of their battlecruisers already. Find me some more of those armor-piercing apartments, and keep firing!"
And just in case anybody asks, yes I have reported the bug. I just wanted to share the hilarity.
And just in case anybody asks, yes I have reported the bug. I just wanted to share the hilarity.