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  • "Helter Skulker is one of my favorites off of that album."

    I know it's actually about a merry-go-round but some people think it's about Charles Manson cuz of the movie! dum dum dum! :rolleyes:
    Would you like to proof and evaluate the
    Bengtskär project?
    I appreciate your offer but my active ASL days are long past. Today I just pontificate, ride the coattails of those like Fish and Mac who were much more talented than I ever was and try to bring some humor to the forum. Thanks anyway, I am humbled that you even considered my input to possibly be of value. Thank you for your service to our country and to ASL.
    "Just when I think I'm out. They drag me back in."

    Kent is not far off for me. I'll come up and give you a throwback game! [seriously]
    I endeavor to get a game or 2 in each month. Since I play 99.999999999999% of my games FTF. There is something about touching the counters and rolling the dice in person!
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