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  • Just wondering what the squadron number is on your pic as I can't quite make it out. I was a member of 407 Sqn. RCAF in the late 70's early 80's.
    If you do make it, bring along some patches and I'll trade you. We'll have to get a game in. 25th Anniversary - come on!
    It does the mind some good to make a change every once in a while. ASLOK-Actually, maybe. It is only a state away, and I do have a bunch of vacation time left to burn.
    Well I was moved from the Camera unit to the Breath analysis unit before the name change came through and management put in a puppet who was "one of the boys". So at the moment I am in charge of all of the breath testing and breath analysis equipment in my state. I am looking for a transfer to HWP or CT though and hopefully one or the other will happen in the next 6 months. I still like to get out and about, but that will have to change if I go to CT, but it will be very interesting there, I've been in our traffic branch for 8 1/2 years and I need a change.

    Any chance of ASLOK for you?
    Donuts?! I won't even buy them for my wife in uniform, let alone eat one!!!

    How is the Drug Testing Unit? I got moved to a desk job myself, Training Director for our department. And I can wait to go back to the street!
    Yep, I'm Sergeant in the Red Light Camera Unit - soon (this month) to become the Drug Testing Unit - and I'm going through the HWP course so I can have a change of scenery in the next couple of years. How goes it in the US?
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