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  • hey sweetmeat! how ya doin ya dirty hippie? XOXO
    Matt Book
    Sweetmeat? God damn boy, you battin for both teams now? Bendis is the Hippie, I'm the metal head
    Reactions: Psycho
    it's not gay if there's no eye contact! ;) c'mon down & we'll sit around with our shirts off 🥳
    Matt Book
    So that's how it is huh? If you don't see it in the dark it don't count? Damn you Swampsquatch, I knew you were groomin people for your Deliverance sequel.
    Reactions: Psycho
    "Even Cyndi Lauper just puked and she adores the rainbow of diversity"

    Hey Matt, even though can't do ASLOK this year or next, booze mini looks to be a goer for 2013
    Have you been able to get Bob off his Karokee? I really want to play VotG.
    I had a great time even though I got very little sleep. I went 8-3 overall and won two mini's and gave one away on poor play. New Hotel was great though, we missed ya psycho. Make it next year.
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