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  • "I do agree with you about Pitcavage's claim that he conducts "training". Mark is a typical academic that confuses real world training and actions to classroom lecture. I suppose he will also claim that since he plays ASL and has studied hundreds of battles that he is qualified to lead troops in combat as well. Mark has never faced anything more dangerous than a double cheese pepperoni pizza-like they say "knowledge without mileage is ********"."

    Thanks for asking - she's been cancer-free for 10 years now. It was bad, and life is never the same after, but other people have dealt with worse, so I can't really complain that life has treated me too harshly. I've certainly had a lot of good fortune to kinda balance it.
    Guesss who got a scanner? If you need a ASL something scanned, ask me...

    Wouldn't mind FTFing with you next time you're in town...what with our shared copious spare time and all....sigh...

    Mark DV
    Ada, MI
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