St Louis JULY 2024


Official ***** Dickweed
Sep 11, 2006
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Viet Nam
llUnited States
I didn't know a rule about smoke in first level and LOS going underneath (his Gun on elevated road with a smoke screen in front fire below... no smoke hindrance, "bye bye Stug FT"), so I lost the first tank to a BAZ snake in his own hex and two tanks to a 5 streak ROF AT. I have to say he got back in luck (with some interests and change) what he didn't have in the beginning of the game. Great game. I have learnt a lot :love:
I had resigned myself in defeat. I didn’t see any reasonable way I could win. I thought “Alright, I’m going to lose, let’s be a good sport and let Maurizizio enjoy his victory.” Then I rolled my first and only snake eyes of the game and everything turned on its head. The late luck kept pouring in, ended up with 3 dead tanks in one fire phase. Fortunately realizing the need to block the adjacent bridge hex with my last guy up there for a lockdown on the scenario. Thanks for the memorable game!


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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I had resigned myself in defeat. I didn’t see any reasonable way I could win. I thought “Alright, I’m going to lose, let’s be a good sport and let Maurizizio enjoy his victory.” Then I rolled my first and only snake eyes of the game and everything turned on its head. The late luck kept pouring in, ended up with 3 dead tanks in one fire phase. Fortunately realizing the need to block the adjacent bridge hex with my last guy up there for a lockdown on the scenario. Thanks for the memorable game!
You never know do you? One thing leads to another and you snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Of course the flip side is when your assured victory experiences one thing after another and you are congratulating your opponent for his brilliant victory.

Great game. Great sportsmanship and sounds like it was a great event. Congratulations to the TDs, Bob, and all who attended.

Jim Burris

Mar 30, 2006
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St Louis, MO
llUnited States
Maurizio, Yes I have your Rat Pack Charts. Send me you mailing address and I'll drop them in the mail to you.

Jim Burris

Mar 30, 2006
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St Louis, MO
llUnited States
Thank you to all the participants for another great tournament.

The final standings are as follows:
1 Bob Bendis 5-0
2 Mike Reed 4-1
3 Stan Jackson 4-1

4 Dan Best 4-1
5 Doug Kirk 3-2
6 Maurizio Grassi 3-2
7 Dave Nicholas 3-2
8 Dave Ginnard 3-2
9 Chuck Hammond 3-2
10 Scott Martin 3-2

Mark your calendar for next year. July 25-27, 2025
Last edited:

Doug Kirk

Elder Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Columbia, MO
llUnited States
One minor correction. I was 3-2.

I have all the results from the tourney and plan to enter the results on ROAR. Let me know if you have already entered them.

Ray Woloszyn

"Fire and Movement"
Aug 20, 2003
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Kernersville, NC
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llUnited States
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up concerning the St Louis tourney. Jim Burris, our long running tourney director had a heart attack over the weekend. He is out of the hospital, at home, doing fine, on his way to a full recovery. The tourney is STILL a GO. Needless to say Jim will be resting and taking it easy. He still plans to be at the tourney. But there may be some shared TD duties, some sharing of the work load among a few of us. So bear with us if things don't go smoothly or as quickly as in the past. We will do our best. Hope to see you all in St Louis on July 26.
My wishes also for a swift recovery.


Senior Member
Apr 19, 2010
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North Olmsted, Ohio
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Well, another St Louis tourney is in the books. As always, I had a great time. Tom and I arrived early evening Wednesday evening and many old friends were already arriving. I got in all five rounds going 3-2 against some monster opponents. In the first round, I got to play my razorback buddy, (winner last year and reigning ASLOK champ), Wes Vaughn in A Bit of Colored Ribbon. Great close game and managed to pull out the win. In the second round, I played Maurizio Grassi. Against my better judgement, we played the LFT offering. Unfortunately, I conceded after a close fight when we both realized that I had completely forgotten the 105mm OBA, (which is completely necessary for any chance of a German win). Maurizio graciously offered to just dice for the win, however, I take total blame for the faux pas and was happy to be at 1-1. Maurizio went on to play in the final. Third round, my old Chi-town friend, Rich Domovic. We chose Factory Fodder. My dice were slightly better than Rich's as his americans could not hold morale and I was able to secure the win. Fourth round, I got matched with famed Chicago ASL tourney director and long time friend, Dave Goldman. We chose Death Box. Dave conceded at turn four as two mmgs and a mortar on rooftops plus two tanks in his backfield were wreaking havoc on his defenders. Sunday morning found me matched up with one of my favorite PTO opponents, Stan Jackson. Little did we know that our match would determine third place. We chose Commandos at Kaiapit where Stan took the defending Japanese. This was brutally close. As Stan described above, his fallback defense was enough to secure a hard fought victory. My highlight having a 9-1 and a hero ambush and take out an 8-0, 2-2-8 crew, and a 4-4-7 squad. Stan got the third place plaque. Tom and I left hurriedly for the drive back to Indy and then Cleveland. Great time with great friends.
I would like to thank Jim Burris for running one of the best tourneys ASL has to offer. Doug Kirk for his ever challenging scenario list. Jeff Ital, well, for just being Jeff Ital. My travelling companion and roomie, the incomparable Thomas Cvetinovich, my five talented opponents. I cannot wait until October when I hopefully see you all again. You all make an old guy happy. (Could be the weed....).


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2011
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Martin, TN
llUnited States
All games have been entered on ROAR. The only exceptions are scenarios not yet on ROAR, HazMo 40, RPT200 and DB185.
No idea at all why Hazmo Pack 4 hasn't been entered on ROAR. All attempts by me to get in touch with the guy who runs it have failed. If there's anyone who knows JRV, please reach out to him and ask him to add it. I sent in the automated form almost a year ago.


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2003
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Geneva, IL (Chicago)
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Are we still on for the last week in July for StL 2025? Just checking, as the ASL tourney at WBC may be set on the same weekend (though FWIW, I'll be headed to St. Louis either way with Travis...)