I like the standard format, three scenarios a day. I strongly prefer a list of 3-5 scenarios per round. Open gaming in a structured tourney format does not work. If left to open gaming, some players will undoubtably take an hour+ to pick a scenario or will pick some scenario they couldn't possibly finish in the alotted time. It is up to the tourney director to ensure the scenario list contains scenarios that can be reasonably expected to be completed in the alotted time. Beyond that, balance is my next criteria obviously. Also scenarios must have options, which usually means combined arms or at least a somewhat mobile defender. I personally like unknown scenarios, like the old March Madness tourneys in KC, but you can run into playtest/balance issues here. If new, unknown scenarios are not a possibility, then the standard prepublished list of 3-5 per round is the way to go and even with this I really like when there are lesser known scenarios on the list, such as some CH, SP, HOB or Canadian scenarios. I like being given the chance to play something new. If a scenario list only included MMP/AH scenarios I would be very inclined not to go. I don't want to play Panzer Graveyard or Urban Guerrillas again, as I have played each one 5 or 6 times at various tourneys, but I suspect I am in the minority here, as most people like known entities.