No Time to Die - Mr Bond !

Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

I saw the film - No Time to Die yesterday in a cinema with luxury seats.

I ; like a lot of people have slowly got used to Daniel Craig as Bond 007 from his first inception In Casino Royale with Eva Green. You get what you pay for in this film. An entertainment package designed to entertain. The lead French blond female is striking and would be in a race with the Paloma Cuban chick-let apart from the fact that she has a great ass and French accent. I will not do a spoiler of the ending for those of you have not seen it or are waiting for the DVD. Let's just say that it is surprising and gives Daniel Craig his swansong as 007. It will transfer well to DVD.

So - what are it's flaws.......?

The lead song is mediocre and a bit nasal morose dripping and will not get you humming on the way home from the cinema, whereas the tune to - We have all the time in the world will. Apart from that there was a lack of Bond theme music bits throughout the film.

The main baddie seems to a be a blurpy - eyed rehash of the earlier baddie who had his gums and teeth destroyed by cyanide....maybe they are related.

There is a nice reminiscence of Bond paying his respects to dead Vespa ( Eva Green - Casino Royale ; who you believe is the love of his life and yet he is besotted with French female on the same principle and at the same time.

The one liners seem tired and repetitive of earlier films. The 007 jibes are stooopid.

Action scenes were too fast paced except with the car chases.

Craig looks less old and tired than in the previous film....

Plot -line was interesting but could have been made more sinister with appropriate music.

As Daniel Craig's swansong in the could have been reconfigured....I guess with the pandemic - everything was on a rolling and tight time-scale.......Worth seeing on big screen- Yes....especially for the Cuban dame..........For my eyes only.......:whistle:...
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Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom


This is a definite for cinema viewing....out just before Xmas...........good excuse to wear sunglasses when it is not sunny.

Apparently; the bond film has made a 120 million buck loss....strange..........this will be a massive hit in the box office stakes.

It kind of suits the time we are living Omicrom Matrix........Miiiister Aannnnndeer...... sson !...
Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

Any day now... 👍 ...- I have seen a paper review which talks about a complicated plot and that Keanu Reeves' acting is the same deadpan as it usually is. He looks pretty good for a 57 year old compared to Daniel Craig ( Bond ) who is 4 years younger. Maybe Reeves should play Bond.

It will be good to see Carrie Anne Moss in leather again...........she is also looking pretty good at - wait for it - 54 years old............Reeves and Moss are definitely taking some sort of pills.........I would definitely not see it if she had been substituted by another actress................the original in's been a long time.

" One pill makes you smaller and one pill makes you younger............Miiiister Aaaanddderssson ! "...
Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

Disappointing is the operative word.........a rehash of the original trilogy would have been just fine. The screenplay was simplistic and there was a complete absence of thought provoking or memorable content. Substituting the Morpheus character with another actor would have been acceptable but the Agent Smith was a complete waste of time . No real sense of threat whatsoever.

Trinity ( Carrie Ann Moss ), was hardly in the film - she had about 5% of the screen time of Keanu Reeves ( Neo ). There was only one short scene where she gets to use her smouldering eyes look. I you had not seen the original trilogy - you would be totally non-plussed at the romantic relationship between her and Neo. The recognition and confusion of the Neo and Trinity re-meeting in the non-reality world could have been vastly better. There was no sense of threat when she was trapped in a tower with sentinel guards or during a bike escape.

The action scenes were difficult to follow as the screen was mostly dark with bright white light illuminating partial areas - really bad for your eyes.


The ending seemed to be lacklustre and was probably added as the other so called ending seemed to quick and lacking anything of interest,

The whole film seems like someone wrote the screenplay on the back of a newspaper page and when coming back to read it- could not make sense of what he had written and pieced it together as best as possible.........This film should go straight to tv; so that millions more coiuld be disappointed.

I am really close to giving it the; ( Pile of dog-doo award ) but I am in a generous mood today....and even a few seconds of Trinity's smouldering eye look holds my hand. No leather and no black fact - no sense of it's original self. WTH !....

Let me do the remastered version and I could give you a love -story of the decade and a sense of threat realism.

The music was mediocre and it could have been so much more - I will not be seeing the next one in the cinema.......even though I had a normal leather seat which was surprisingly more comfortable than the luxury seat I had before.......Grrrr ! 3/10...:mad:o_O....
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Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

I am pinning my hopes on this Film - It is out in early February.....Roland Emmerich generally does a decent job.....although disaster movies can be a bit repetitive in content.

This one; I hope will thrash out some good alternative theories about the moon and what we know or are not being told about it.

Thought provoking and maybe a wink and an elbow in the gut for NASA...........:).....

All I want is to be entertained for 2 hours.............Is that asking too much ???????...
Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

So ; I did see the Film - MoonFall - it turned out to be mediocre and I will not get the DVD. Rating 5/10.

So as far as it goes for this year- the film Batman stands out. I have seen it twice , as I was not in the mood the first time and the screen picture was slightly hazy - the second time , picture quality was much better and I was more relaxed.

It's a long film at almost 3 hours; so, if you suffer from cinema seat numb leg syndrome - just wait until everybody has left and then place both hands behind the thigh and throw your stiff leg up the aisle stairs one at a time until you get to the door and then you can quickly drag your leg across the carpet into the toilet and wait there until the numbness subsides. Trust me - it's better than looking odd ; rushing and falling into people.

The Batman movies going from the last trilogy are more adult themed and so more enjoyable. The Batman character is always a draw because of his magneticsymbolism......... ".I am vengeance " - against the degenerates of society. No moral qualms - show no mercy..........flatten them; break their bones and put the fear of justice into them. You cannot but love Batman..........Vigilante Ultimo........if he existed in the real world.....he would no doubt have a lot of work to do.

The problem with any portrayal of Batman - post the Dark Knight Film is simply that it cannot be beaten yet.
The Riddler is a interesting villain but pales behind the Joker whose laugh you get to hear at the almost end of the film. The real life character villain , Falcone is better. The penguin seems to be a hasty adjunct with no deep character analysis.....maybe that will be fleshed out in the second film.

The film attempts to portray the early phase of Batman's mission and his modus operandi in dealing with the truth about his parents death and the reasoning behind what he does added to by a romantic element with the Cat woman ,Selena. He also has to deal with the emotional content of His Butler; Alfred escaping assassination. In other films - this would be a bit scmaltzy but somehow works with the overall context. I wonder if they are going to continue with the moral qualms and emotional aspect of his character in future films.

Cat-woman saving Batman is put in for obvious reason in this day and age......she is tiny and is able to pull him up with his heavy armor and metallic boots - give me a break.

The story-line was more than adequate....the acting OK....the music reasonable. So - What gripe should I have....I can only say that there should have been more action scenes where Batman breaks bones and flattens the degenerates of society.................violence should not be glorified except when......................." Smack ...Thud ......Crunch.....Thud......Snap.........Urgh ........Smack ..........Thud...........Crunch ! "...............The musical soundtrack Of heard........:giggle:...

Rating: 8.5/10. Will go see next one........👍...
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Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

What to make of this film...........the is raw and I mean ....raw ....there is a lot of raaaaar and then some more raaar..........and in case you have not had enough .....some extra raaaaar to set the tone of the North-lands. I guess that talking in a different cadence is more difficult in a cold climate.

The main character got the role as he is huge and is able to raaar. It is amazing how a small weasly kid can turn into a Viking Hulk.

Why do screenplay writers always have to include a kid whose father is killed and then he grows up to wreak revenge..........Do they all read - Successful Screenplay Writing for Beginners by that Sid guy.....I have read it but why choose the main narrative focal point of familial revenge.

This is definitely a weird experience's not great and it's not bad......just tries to be raw and maintain some conformity in traditional story telling and this is the weak point - too much focus on bleakness and raaaar and raw

Bad idea to have so many dream sequences and raaar and thump music .
There are moments when this film seems to know what it is doing and intending and then reverts to a more raw perspective with odd music and raaaar .......and raw.

In the raaaar , bleakness and raw stakes would get an Oscar nomination............the word RAW has been made into a film.......

Rating 5/10 and it has got an extra point because I like the twist in the tale with the mother of the main character.

The thought process after leaving the cinema is - What the Hell was that ?........I think it was Raaaaw !.....added to by a bit of Raaaaar.............If Arnold Scwarzennegger played the would at least have his brand of raaar and raw which , I think would work better. The female lead was not able to raaar she just about cuts it.

Wait for a really cheap DVD copy.........................o_O...Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar ! and RAW ...
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Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

Operation Mincemeat Film...

This film floats along - every pun intended. It totally relies on the fact that most people do not know a lot about the story. I did read a magazine article a while back which re-ignited my memory cells- I could hear them popping away.

Basically , the film covers the attempts of British Intelligence to make Hitler believe that an allied landing by a fictitious 12th Army would be made on Greece rather than the real, intended attack on Sicily under Operation Husky codename .....Good timing , as I have recently bought - Campaign for Sicily and a book on the subject.

Casting was not too bad......Colin Firth always does a good job - the guy who plays the British Admiral .......looks sinister. Romantic interest is provided by a female who looks better in real life than in the film.

She provides the real romantic interest as a married guy, ( Colin Firth ) begins working closely with her and is drawn to her as his wife and children are away in America. There is nothing new under the sun - it's amazing how much empathy can be displayed on a possible cheating husband in a will he or won't he plot line...........reminds me of the joke ...... " I got married a year ago and just yesterday, met the love of my life ! ".

Got the a form.

Again - the plot is the main draw and things could have been improved; like having more B&W clips from the period and having a more expansive set layout - it all seems to be taking place in a limited number of sets. The few war scenes were hastily made and amateur which lets things down.

......The story is the main character and interest point......... is driven by the actual true story perspective ; otherwise, it would be a croc with false teeth. Like-able but not memorable .....Rating 6/10.

If Eva Green had played the female lead..........then we would be sizzling and it would be a */10. She can smooooch into the 40's with hairstyle with ease.....Toffffeeeee Pooopcoooorn on legs ..........on screen.....................Mmmmmm !... :love:...:whistle:....:love:.


Official ***** Dickweed
Sep 11, 2006
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Viet Nam
llUnited States

Operation Mincemeat Film...

This film floats along - every pun intended. It totally relies on the fact that most people do not know a lot about the story. I did read a magazine article a while back which re-ignited my memory cells- I could hear them popping away.

Basically , the film covers the attempts of British Intelligence to make Hitler believe that an allied landing by a fictitious 12th Army would be made on Greece rather than the real, intended attack on Sicily under Operation Husky codename .....Good timing , as I have recently bought - Campaign for Sicily and a book on the subject.

Casting was not too bad......Colin Firth always does a good job - the guy who plays the British Admiral .......looks sinister. Romantic interest is provided by a female who looks better in real life than in the film.

She provides the real romantic interest as a married guy, ( Colin Firth ) begins working closely with her and is drawn to her as his wife and children are away in America. There is nothing new under the sun - it's amazing how much empathy can be displayed on a possible cheating husband in a will he or won't he plot line...........reminds me of the joke ...... " I got married a year ago and just yesterday, met the love of my life ! ".

Got the a form.

Again - the plot is the main draw and things could have been improved; like having more B&W clips from the period and having a more expansive set layout - it all seems to be taking place in a limited number of sets. The few war scenes were hastily made and amateur which lets things down.

......The story is the main character and interest point......... is driven by the actual true story perspective ; otherwise, it would be a croc with false teeth. Like-able but not memorable .....Rating 6/10.

If Eva Green had played the female lead..........then we would be sizzling and it would be a */10. She can smooooch into the 40's with hairstyle with ease.....Toffffeeeee Pooopcoooorn on legs ..........on screen.....................Mmmmmm !... :love:...:whistle:....:love:.
It a remake of one of my favorite movies “The Man Who Never Was” 1956.
Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom
You can't beat 1950's to 1970's films......................:).

I will get round to seeing that one , some day - I wonder if the wife of the main lead of the story saw it in 1956 and found out that her husband was attempting to play away with his secretary......

" Oh Honey , let's go and see that handsome Stephen Boyd Film. He plays you in the film ! ".

" Let's not , Dear........; Moby Dick is playing and I just love big white whales ! ". .................What a Whopper !.......:devilish:.
Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

What a Swizz ! This is like putting a red flag before a bull for me.......two of my favorite things....The Three Musketeers story and Eva one juicy cake. That said; I will not be seeing it in the least not the first part/film.

The second part/film will come out at Christmas time, ( Milady's Revenge ), and that will have more of Eva Green in it - Droooool ! worth going to the Cinema for and apart from that, I do not fancy the idea of subtitle distraction on the big screen.......I will put up with it on DVD only......for the first film - there is always the chance it might be a croc anyhow.

There is an Indiana Jones film coming out but I will avoid it like the plague as it is a segway into introducing Indiana as a female character.........Up Yours.... Hollywood ...raspberry.................!
Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

World Exclusive ....Casting for the new Star Wars movie begins in earnest........😁.

( or this is a dating programme.........??? ).
Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

Scooby.................Doooooooooby - Doo !.............................................................................:love:...
Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

American Graffitti - George Lucas - 50th Anniversary.

This is before my time but have fond memories of seeing it as a kid. It stood out because of the one evening and situational events that have plagued teens since the post war modern era began.

A current Millennial is best served to critique it favourably....... " a pen.......a bottle of Old Harper...........and a comb ! ". ................memorable.............Great soundtrack too............:).
Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

D'Artagnan - The Three Musketeers - 2023.

At last; the Frenchies have managed to make a film in their own language about one of the most iconic historical group of characters ever put to paper. Those who have read the novel by Dumas know that it is a rip- roaring tale of friendship , loyalty , love and honour set amongst the backdrop of internecine squabbling between nation states under the guise of religious liberty. There is also a sense of charm and humour that exudes the books pages. A great template for a big screen kaleidoscope of thrills and emotional entertainment. Add to that , the inclusion of Eva Green and most men will start to chew their popcorn more slowly and deliberately and suck up the coke slowly and continuously in one long draw,.......until empty.

I have recently purchased the DVD and seen it on the small screen.

The first thing that stands out is that it begins very drably and dismally. What is wrong with film Directors these days. There seems to be an obsession with darker than usual lighting and shadow. I do understand that they are covering up CGI effects and backdrops........but I want freaking colour........lots of it. This is probably the most colorful period in human history. The year 1627 was replete with fancy clothing worn by both men and women. Men used to wear lace frill shirts and and appendices to thrill the women and vice versa.....and here we have a plethora of people wearing costumes that would suit a Batman Gotham city landscape or even a Tim Burton Film.

I do Not want DISMAL SET ATMOSPHERE and costumery....the World is dismal enough in real life as it is. People go to the freakin cinema to be entertained; to be transporeted mentally into a different time and environment.

You maybe think that I am exaggerrating....well looksee what we have showing up not so long ago.........Napoleon the Movie by Ridley Scott. Another dark light Gotham City production on an iconic historical French figure... Boney !.

Napoleon and the Three Musketeers and lets not forget Eva Green are three of my favourite French things...................... So , I have a bit of skin in the game.

Napoleon - the movie is entertaining but fell short of a lot of expectation..a lot of people were disappointed and readily so.....and we now have the second pale of cold water thrown in our faces. I have difficulty criticizing a film that has Eva Green as one of it's cast members but my unrequited feelings for her will not stay my sword or anger.

Back to the start of the Film......let us make a viable contrast with the start of the Three Musketeers film - Richard Lester 1973......Epic music with slashing of swords which rises to a are immediately drawn in. The new film starts like a mouse sqeaaking and hobbling out of it's hole slowly to sniff some cheese, and this continues for quite some time. Brilliant narrative of the historical turmoil of the period in on screen doubt penned by the precocious 12 year old daughter of the Director or producer. I would bet money on it !.

The soundtrack to this film is in a word..........DULL ! . Oh , it has some moments. About 73 million buckaroos to make......some savings had to be made so the precocious 12 year old daughter was given intensive music lessons at the Academie De Musique in Paris and obviously her tutor added some of his flair to the proceedings as to make it look like her own.....that explains that anomaly.

Soundtrack - Nil pointes.

See what I are seduced from the start.......This is gonna be good !

Has the Director actually read the freaking book or is he like Ridley Scott , relying on some Chinese guy whose second language is English to clue him into the life and times of Chairman Mao or Napoleon. To add credit where it is due...the plot is more faithful to the boiok than other retelling.....Athos' trial being a perfect example and Milady throwing herself off a cliff which is a bit of weirdness in the book. There is limited character definition..........All the Musketeers have basically the same personality.......gruff and matter of fact. You can interpose them at will. D'Artagnan has the personality of well ; the average Frenchie... " I speeek Frrrench with ze accent which excites the woman and I do not need a personality ".........Oh yes you freakin do; especially when portraying different characters in a major movie production.

No wonder little French boys like batman....they probably think he is actually French. Having D'Artagnan as a pretty boy who has a French accent will mesmerise dopey teenage girls and the odd granny but the rest of the public want more meat on the bone. N'EST CE PAS !.

The screenplay writer was about to be sentenced to death by hanging but after seeing the whole movie, I have decided that he should give back half the money he was paid and be given a swift kick in the derriere and told to go work for Disney Productions or at least finish reading the , How to Write an effective Screenplay For Dummies book by that Sid guy. They might have a Chinese version translated into French.

But let us not be bleak and dismal..........................tis the season to be jolly.

It has Eva Green in it....all four and a half minutes of her....Sigh ! and if you saw it in the cinema........heaving cleavage the size of a baby elephant. Hell - does she sound good in her own pouring slightly heated honey in you ears. Hopefully she will have 15 minutes in the second film, ( Milady ) which is in theaters now.

It is not a bad is an acceptable reeks of onions and adequacy. It does not do Alexandre Dumas does not do French Cinema does not overshadow non French productions.
Do you think that anyone will be humming the musical score in days , weeks or months; it is too drab to excite little boys into a timeless tale of Honor and is but a sign of the times we now live in............a pitch of expectation is met with another pair of socks for Christmas. C'est la smelly vie.....the little mouse comes out of his hole to a cheesy smell which is not sustenance for the stomach or soul.

ALL For One and thankfully the one was Eva Green....a small light that sparkles in the mouse hole.

4.5/10. Could have been so much better as with the Napoleon movie....Squeak ! 🐭
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Mar 17, 2010
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llUnited Kingdom

The Three Musketeers - Milady

The second part seems to be better than the first. The cinematography has improved with scene settings and outdoor vistas. Slowly ; we are getting more of a character portrayal for each of the Musketeers but it is primarily focused on Athos and D'Artaganan.

Eva Green ( Milady ) is always a wonder to look at ; if she seduced me in French; I would give up honour and duty in a moment- betray my friends and without fear or qualm. YEP !

Glad that they have kept to the original book/story line. My mind has definitely been deja-vued with some of the plot twists.....the complex relationship between Milady, Athos and D'Artagnan was integral in the book as in the current film. It might be a good idea to see the second part first and the first part , second. La !
I have started to appreciate the more grimy and gritty feel to things......although still not happy with the darker light scenes.

The ending is typical Francais fare. A more faithful treatment in the French language had to be done but I still say , that things should have been much better- no real emotional content in D'Artagnan's girlfriend death for example. Never mind............:unsure: .

Rating - 6.2/10. ( DVD Version ) .



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