I don't think that will work without major revisions to the entire engine. For starters, DA's combat is heavily abstracted because it's a simulation of combat at the brigade+ level. Line of sight, elevation, smoke, and other tactical variables aren't part of the game due to the scale, so I don't see how such a mod would be useful without building those things in. And make no mistake, that would be a serious undertaking because those are very difficult issues to deal with. Jim Lunsford (the original designer) could probably do it, but I'm not sure anyone else could unless he made the source code available along with notes on how things work now.
I would much rather see Jim make some of the changes I have already suggested which would greatly enhance DA in the eyes of wargamers and make it a far friendlier game. All the items I suggested are fairly straightforward and within Jim's capability to program without building an entirely new game engine. If he would do that and call it DA 2, I would gladly pay.