During the height of the Saga system (which if I am not mistaken is dead as hell these days), I went and turfed all my books (had an awesome 2nd edition collection and a lot of Forgotten Realms stuff).
Sadly about a year later I find out 3.0 is on the scene, and all my books are now expensive collectors items hehe.
Oh well, my buddies sure enjoyed getting stuff at 5 bucks a book.
I thought Saga was the ultimate (for those that missed it, Saga used cards and no dice). I was wrong, the design was flawed. You simply can't eliminate the ability to roll a 1 or a 20, and result in dismal automatic failure or impressive automatic success (depending on the game, the 1 and 20 can be swapped eh).
So I needed a new game. I picked Alternity.
Still a great game, alas, they dumped it for another licensed product errrrr.
But, I have not bought 3.0 nor 3.5, and while the current state of book making is much superior to the state of book making in 2nd edition (where books fell apart at record speed), I am just not into being repeatedly milked (see my very long rant in another thread hehe).
So, while 4th might be the ultimate experience, I will only be playing it via someone else's books.
I own 3 Alternity books, and the nice thing with Alternity, is the design is so perfect you can write up your own settings variations with your eyes closed.
I have made an essentially cloned D&D like setting for my Alternity game, and barely broke sweat doing so.
So it's really not relevant the series got dumped while it was supposedly in the top selling position. I've never needed more than the Players, Game Masters and Beyond Science manuals. Anyone unable to run a game with just that, has a critical shortage of imagination, and likely sucks as a DM
But I got a great discussion over at an old friend's place yesterday discussing the whole matter. He's a 2nd edition fan, has 3 core books from 3.5 and agrees this is going to make a lot of hate mail hehe.
1st edition survived as a product about 10 years. 2nd edition survived about 10 years, 3.0 survived mere months, and 3.5 is now being considered for replacement in under 5 years.
I think they are just getting good at replacing things if you ask me.
Retailers will decide if this idea of 4th edition idea dies or not I guess. They won't appreciate their stock being made bargain bin junk.