May 1916 AAR

Steven Lohr

Sep 8, 2002
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llUnited States
I’ve started a May 1916 Campaign game (with Room 40). I am playing the British, and thought I’d do an AAR. I have the default optional rules selected, with the addition of the Poor Ammuntion Handling and Fragile Shells. I intend to simply edit to this initial message as the game progresses to make the reading easier.

The scenario starts with no ships at sea, and no news. My goals are to:

1) Maintain the North Sea Blockade
2) Coastal Defense
3) Protect the Shipping lanes
4) Destroy the High Seas Fleet

1) To accomplish these goals will require intelligence of German activities. I will depend on Room 40 for indications of a High Seas Fleet sortie. However, I will back this up by establishing a scouting line. I will begin with a line of submarines right outside of the Helgoland minefields. I deploy the 5th, 4th and 8th Submarine squadrons in a line covering the approached to the Blight. I also deploy some mine laying submarines to lay a field at 54, 28, closing the far eastern approaches out of Wilhelmshaven.
2) I establish a second submarine scouting line in the mid-North Sea, using submarines from the 7th squadron, which is based on the Western coast of England. I’ll have these subs change base to an eastern coast port at the conclusion of their patrol.
3) I order a large squadron of destroyers to sweep up the middle of the North Sea. The purpose of this is to find any German Subs, and to sweep up any blockade runners, as well as provide warning of any surface units at sea
4) I order two additional squadrons of DDs to sweep the east coast of England, to clear the area of submarines
5) Two squadrons of cruisers are sent from the Shetlands (Lerwick) to patrol the Northern North Sea and interdict any German shipping.
6) All other units of the Royal Navy will remain in port to await developments

Initial Deployments 15 May 1916

15 May 1916
1945 Zeppelin is sighted off the coast of Norway. This may indicate a reconnaissance prior to a High Seas Fleet sortie. The destroyer flotilla in the mid-North Sea is sent further east to recon this area.

Situation at 1945 on 15 May

16 May
0600 I received two Room 40 reports of sinking German destroyers during the night of 15-16 May. I have no indication of the cause or location of their sinking.

1228 Received report that the Armed Merchant Cruiser Patia was sunk. This was one of the ships based out of Lerwick sent to enforce the blockade. No word on location of the sinking or cause.

1338 Mines were successfully deployed at the Northern entrance to the Helgoland Blight.

2000 The minelaying squadron in Dunkirk is ordered to reinforce the minefield off Helgoland Blight. Two squadrons of Destroyers from Harwich are sent in support of this force.

17 May

Nothing Significant to Report

18 May

0400 The naval situation is depicted on the chart below. The minelaying squadron and the supporting DDs are beginning to withdraw from the Blight. However, because of the lack of German reaction, I order them to continue their patrol to see if a reaction can be provoked. A scouting line of submarines is in place.

1453 The minelaying force comes into contact with the Elbe Protection force. Estimated enemy composition is 1 CL and 3 DDs. However, my minelayers are only armed with torpedoes and 47mm guns, so a sucessful engagement is unlikely. Additionally, the supporting DD squadrons are too far away to be part of the battle scenario created by the computer, and so do not appear in the battle. I elect to run to SW, while staying out of range of the CL’s guns. As the weather is rain/sea state 3, I should be able to prevent an engagement. After disengaging, I’ll attempt to redirect the supporting DDs to the area later to deal with the with the German force. Note to self: supporting forces need to be in close proximity to appear in campaign game battle scenarios.

19 May
I apparently miscalculated the ability of my minesweeping forces to run away. Although most of them had a top speed of at least four knots greater than the pursuing German forces, one of the vessels (the PLUTON) had a speed of one knot less than the German forces. I tried splitting off the faster ships with the hopes the German forces woudl pursue them. However, the AI wisely went after the PLUTON. After a nine hour stern chase, they finally caught up and sank her. In retrospect, I should have had the faster forces double back towards the Germans with the hope that I could draw them off. They could have gotten to within approximately 10000 meters before they were fired on. With luck, the Germans would have turned towards them and allowed the PLUTON to escape. However, I didn't attempt that plan, and instead simply ran, leaving the PLUTON without any cover. Another interesting point is that the game accurately simulates the extended twilight conditions that prevail during the spring and summer months in the higher Northern latitudes. Nightfall was not until approximately 2300, by which time the German forces were too close for the PLUTON to avoid being seen. Her end is depicted below:

I attemtped to have the supporting British forces catch up to the Germans, but they were too far behind. Of note, the German forces appear to be using the Southern channel into the Blight. I'll have to mine that later.

Later in the day, the German light forces patroling off of the Belgium coast caught a French torpedo boat and a British cargo ship and dispatched both. French light forces patroling off the Dutch coast likewise caught a German cargo ship. Some French torpedo boats returning to Dunkirk were engaged by German shore batteries off of Ostend, with one TB sunk. Of note, the blue semicircles that appear on the map off the German ports on the battle chart are not range circles for the shore batteries, as the TBs were outside of these circles when they were engaged. I'm not sure what the semicircles outside the harbors.
In the afternoon, the situation is as follows

Although not depicted in this slide, the two German Zepplins that appear demonstrated some interesting movements. The northern Zepplin later proceeded to the approaches to the Battlecruiser base at Rosyth and the second transited up the eastern coast of England. I am concerned that this is a reconnaissance prepatory to a bombardment of the English coast. To both guard against this and to bushwack any force that attempts such a bombardment, I order the Grand Fleet and the Battlecruiser force to set sail. I will position them off Dogger Bank during the night with the intent of cutting off a bombardment force from Helgoland. If no German activity occurs, I'll have the force do a sweep of the North Sea before returning to port. I also order submarines to patrol off the likely targets off the English coast. Finally, I order the Channel battleforce and monitors to the area off Belgium to bombard the German port facilities there.

20 May
The German fleet did not make an appearance, so I've ordered the Grand Fleet back to base. The Monitors and Channel Battleforce successfully bombarded the German positions in Belgium. However, I am uncertain as to how effective the bombardment was, and what effect it has in terms of the game. In support of the bombardment force, I ordered a squadron of light cruisers, and two squadrons of destroyers to raid the German naval base at Zeebrugge. I had the computer automatically resolve the battle. It ended in a British victory, with 17 German torpedo boats and destroyers sunk, for a loss of 3 RN destroyers. This should neutralize the German navy in the Channel, freeing my units there to go on patrols in the North Sea.
The German navy appears to be more active on this date. There have been several U-boat sightings, including one that may be positioning itself near Scapa Flow. Also, 3 Zeppelins were spotted today. The increased activity may indicate that something is up. However, I don't have enough historical data on German activity to determine whether this is really unusual, or just a product of more allied forces being at sea and in a position to spot the German patrols.

The situation at the end of the day is shown below:

A couple of observations about the simulation of intelligence in the game: IMHO, Room 40 is very quiet. Historically, Room 40 was very effective at reporting German movements. In the game, aside from a couple of notices of sinking German ships early in the game, there has been no intelligence provided. I would recommend the designers change that. One suggestion is that a "chatter meter" be put into the game to show increasing/decreasing amounts of radio traffic as German units prepare to sail. Talonsoft's Battle of Britain used this concept to show increases in radio traffic prior to German air raids launching. Effectively, it would give a crude form of traffic pattern analysis to the player, something the real life Room 40 did. Additionally, some form of daily intelligence briefing would be good.

An additional note on gameplay: I haven't yet figured out how to use the aviation support ships. Historically, they weren't of much help to the British. However, they are in the game, yet they do not appear to have any aviation function, i.e., they don't launch aircraft.

21-23 May

Additional losses were incurred over the past three days. I received notice that a German torpedo boat had been sunk by a torpedo. That indicates to me that my submarine patrol line may be having some effect. I also lost another merchant cruiser and a destroyer to unknown causes. The lack of information on location and cause of the sinking makes it difficult for the player to make informed estimates of enemy positions. I recommend that this information be included on the strategic map.

I sent the Battlecruiser squadron on a sweep of the North Sea, mostly to see what the German reaction would be. I did not deploy the Grand Fleet, effectively leaving the Battlecruisers unsupported. Although an unwise move, I wanted to see what the German reaction would be. The Battlecruisers were sent to run along the Helgoland minefields to see if they could entice a German reaction. There was no observable sortie of the High Seas Fleet. However, the Battlecruisers had two encounters with U-boats, with neither side firing a shot.

A submarine minelaying force also mined the southwestern entrance into Helgoland. I'll check in a few days to see if the mines need to be re-seeded.

At this point, I’m going to make a brief digression into how the game handled the U-boat encounters. In both cases of the encounters with the Battlecruisers, the U-boats were spotted at approximately 28,000 yards. Apparently, they were running on the surface at the time, which is realistic. At this point, the game switches from the strategic game and sets up the tactical scenario. However, I would be surprised if U-boats were ever seen at that distance. Effectively, this allows the player to completely avoid the U-boat by a simple change in course. If this is the only way the game handles U-boat encounters, it is in my opinion unrealistic. The British were very fearful of the possibility of a U-boat attack on their Battleships. Historically, Beatty was very reluctant to have his Battlecruisers sortie even for gunnery practice because he was unwilling to expose them to the possibility of a U-boat attack, a important factor in there poor shooting at Jutland. Based on the way I have observed the game handle them, they are not a threat to warships. However, it is possible I am missing something here. As I previously noted, I have lost ships with no indication of the source of their loss. If it is U-boats, then it is possible for a U-boat to make a stealthy attack in game terms. I would be curious to hear of other players experiences in this regard.
One other minor criticism of the game-during the U-boat encounters, there was also one Zeppelin present on the tactical map. After the encounter was completed and the game switched back to the strategic map, neither the position of the Zeppelin or the U-boats was marked. I believe any German units that are encountered in a tactical situation should have their positions marked on the strategic map.

24 May

Still no encounters with the German Fleet. I lost two torpedo boats and the AMC PATUCA today. I received no information on the cause of the loss of the AMC or one of the torpedo boats. The other torpedo boat was caught by two German destroyers near the Dutch coast and sunk. Nothing of significance to report in that action, other than it was observed by a Zeppelin, whose image is below. I like that picture....

The Germans laid a small minefield in the English Channel, probably by submarine. It will be easy to avoid. It appears that the game extracts some attrition on minefields. Based on the two fields I laid, it appears approximately 5% per day loss in player laid mines. Also, I managed to get the size of the tactical battlemaps-they appear to be approximately 213,000 yard in the north-south axis and 214,650 yards along the east-west axis. Based on this, I would estimate that supporting forces should be within approximately 50 nautical miles of each other in order to provide support, and possibly closer depending on the situation. That would keep them over the horizon from the enemy forces, and still within 1.5 hours or so of reinforcing each other, while remaining on the tactical map so the player can control them when the game switches to tactical resolution.

I've added Rgreat's log analyzer, available here:

Hopefully, it'll help me figure out how a combat results are calculated.

The Third Battlesquadron has deployed to the Channel and North Sea without any escorts in an attempt to draw the attention of Uboats. Although I would not do this in a competitive game, I really am at loss to explain how submarines operate in the game.

The situation at the beginning of 25 May is shown below:

25 May
It was a relatively quiet day. The various operations of the Royal Navy are summarized below:
Losses-Lost one DD to a submarine torpedo attack. No location given.

Channel Monitors-successfully bombarded Zeebrugge without incident

3rd Battlesquadron-conducting unescorted operations in the Channel and North Sea in an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of U-boats and instigate a reaction from the German High Seas Fleet. No contact with Uboats or the HSF.

Light cruiser patrol off Helgoland-In an additional attempt to provoke a reaction from the HSF, I sent a CL squadron to sweep outside the Helgoland minefields. They had two contacts of interest. The first contact was with a German DD patrolling independently off the western edge of the minefield. Although this DD outran the CL squadron, its behavior is worth noting. On the tactical map, it travelled north, skirting the western edge of the minefield, without penetrating the field. In my mind, this is significant in terms of game play. The shortest distance from the DD to the safety of Helgoland was to the ENE, though the minefield. If the game allowed safe German transit (i.e., simulated secret transit lanes through friendly fields), the DD would have likely taken one of those. The fact that it moved along the edge of the field indicates that, in terms of the game, transit lanes do not exist. This in turn means that the only way for the HSF to leave is through either the known channels in the northern and western edges of the Helgoland field. Because I only observed the DD for approximately 15 minutes, it is possible that if there are safe lanes in the fields, but the DD had not yet reached them. However, given the location of the encounter, I tend to doubt this possibility.

The second encounter of note was with the unescorted German CL SMS Acona. The CL squadron rapidly dispatched the Arcona without suffering any significant damage. A screenshot of the Acona’s final moments is below:

Of note, the SMS Arcona had been the destroyer leader of the squadron that sank the PLUTON. I personally felt a degree of satisfaction in extracting this retribution. The fact that the game is sufficiently immersive to elicit those feelings is a credit to the designers.

One final note-During one encounter, the CL squadron spotted a British merchant deep in German territory. See the image below. At this point in the war, merchants deep in enemy territory simply would not exist. I recommend the designers alter the shipping routes to reflect this.

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Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
Great stuff - I plan to watch this with interest, to help me learn how to handle a campaign. Cheers.



Aug 26, 2005
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llUnited States
16 May
0600 I received two Room 40 reports of sinking German destroyers during the night of 15-16 May. I have no indication of the cause or location of their sinking.

1228 Received report that the Armed Merchant Cruiser Patia was sunk. This was one of the ships based out of Lerwick sent to enforce the blockade. No word on location of the sinking or cause.
The cause would be subs or mines, right? If warships were involved then there would be a battle.

It would great if the game gave us the location of such events.

Steven Lohr

Sep 8, 2002
Reaction score
llUnited States
I assume it would be sub or mines. However, it could also be a raider/Q-type ship (although I don't know the Germans had any operating in the North Sea in 1916). That is one (minor) thing I would correct in future versions of the game. Some indication as to the method of destruction and the position of the loss should generally be given (although the game could also introduce errors in the report or simply provide no information)

For those following this AAR, I'm going to simply edit the original post as I play, so you don't have to keep cycling through the whole thread.

Steven Lohr

Sep 8, 2002
Reaction score
llUnited States
I've discovered that when I edit posts, the thread doesn't advance up the list. In otherwords, it appears that any additional comments have been added. Accordingly, I'm going to add a comment to show I've updated the thread. Currently, I have notes through the end of the 20 May turn.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone have any comments or questions about the gameplay or game? I'm experimenting with the game here, so if anyone wants me to explore some aspect of gameplay, just post a question or comment here.


Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
This is interesting stuff. Is the loss of the Pluton a big deal (I haven't started a campaign so have no idea how many sweepers the Brits have)? With support forces close there could have been a good destroyer fight.

Do you aim to schedule regular sweeps with the Battle Fleet and BC fleet and now that Zeebrugge is less of a threat how will you use the Harwich forces?


Powder Monkey
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
I'm really enjoying this Steve - keep it up

& imo the loss of the Pluton is significant. I've started a full 1916 campaign and atm I'm using her to mine the Belgian ports and hopefully cause a bit of sub attrition. She has hopeless speed so can't really operate anywhere where she can be picked off.

I have a feeling the HSF is easier to draw out than to wait for. I had a Harwich force sortie covered at range by the BCF and GF ( all to cover a mine laying run by Abdiel ) and managed to provoke a reaction.

Steven Lohr

Sep 8, 2002
Reaction score
llUnited States
I've updated the AAR through 23 May 1916

Smithcorp-I'm not really sure if the loss of the PLUTON is a big deal. The loss of minelaying capacity hurts, but in a short scenario like this, I'm not sure its crucial. As Damibiah mentions in his post, the loss of the PLUTON would be more important in the year long campaign. The big lesson I learned was not that the vessel itself was that valuable, but that to support a task force, the supporting forces need to be relatively close at hand, as the game will not let you call forces that are not on the tactical map to come to their aid. In the case of the loss of the PLUTON, I was subjected to a 9 hour stern chase that covered 180 miles to the west of this initial contact position. However, my supporting forces were just outside of the tactical map to the North, so I never had the ability to call them in support, despite having the time to for them to. I wouldn't call it a problem with the game per se. Its just an artificiality the game has in order to be able to play a strategic and a tactical game using the same engine. I'll try to determine the size of the tactical map the next time I get a tactical encounter, and use this to recommend a maximum distance for supporting forces operate within.

Damibiah-You may be right on it being easier to draw the High Seas Fleet out. I tried to do that with my unsupported Battlecruisers, but without success (at least as far as I could determine). I may try to do a mining run off Helgoland and see if that gets the Kaiser's goat.....

Smithcorp-I've been thinking about the Zeebrugge raid. In the real world, the forces freed up from such a sucessful raid should have been used in convoy escort duty. However, that really isn't an issue in this game. In game terms, I think these are the possibilities:

1) ASW sweeps up the English east coast
2) Additional escorts for the Grand Fleet/Battlecruiser Fleet
3) Port Security outside of major bases
4) North Sea sweeps/recon
5) Large raids into Helgoland

Its difficult to determine what is the best use, becuase I don't understand how significant the U-Boat threat is in game terms. In my gaming last night (the 21-23 May turns recorded above) the way the game handles the U-boats does not apper to particularly threatening, ie, they get spotted at 28,000 yards. If the game mechanics prevent them from being much of a threat, the best use for them would be in the sweeping/recon role and possibly the raid into Helgoland. If on the otherhand the game makes U-boats a true threat, the ASW sweeps up the coast and port security might be the best use. I think what I'm going to do is to try to send the Channel squadron out without escorts at all, and see how well they do against U-boats. If during the rest of the game, none of them get torpedoed, then I'll conclude that U-boats are not a significant threat, at least in game terms.

One concluding remark-I've done some thinking about the Zeebrugge raid, and I think it was too easy of a win for the RN. Basically, I trapped the German forces in the Scheldt estuary and simply overwhelmed them with 77 RN escorts. Historically, I doubt RN could have possibly executed the operation I did, at least not without taking significant losses. To prevent this kind of victory, possibly the harbor defenses in the estuary need to be strengthened to prevent such incursions trapping the German forces and easily eliminating the German threat in the channel.
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Powder Monkey
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hmm - your right about the Untersee menace. I haven't got it figured out yet either.
Most of my separate destroyer divisions are out on area patrols as i figured it might discourage U-boat incursion however the steady trickle of TB's and AMC's I'm losing might be down to that. I'm wondering whether it'd be more productive to send out small hunter groups of about 4 dd's and set their own patrol patterns.

My own subs on long term fixed patrols outside of the Bight show ammunition depletion so i guess they're shooting at something. What and how successfully I can only surmise.
And finally I think that the North and West entrances/exits to the bight are significant. I've only patrolled and mined these areas.

The reaction i got was in the western approach when i sent Abdiel ( not very far in ) to mine. You're right though about the timing and proximity of the support. Once Abdiel was chased halfway back to Lowestoft by a pack of German DD's presumably through the Harwich Force which was coming up ( too far ) in her wake. She then respawned back by the Bight entrance and had to repeat her previous strenuous efforts.

It was interesting hearing about the Zeebrugge raid. There doesn't seem to be any TBD's in the Belgian Ports at the start of the year and I'm hoping that Plutons frantic minelaying expeditions will keep it that way.

Let us know how your unescorted *shivers* Channel Squadron does and I'll keep my fingers crossed about "Der Tag"


Storm Eagle Studios
Feb 18, 2006
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Wakefield, LA
llUnited States
As I previously noted, I have lost ships with no indication of the source of their loss. If it is U-boats, then it is possible for a U-boat to make a stealthy attack in game terms. I would be curious to hear of other players experiences in this regard.
At present, unforunately, the only way to know what subs and mines are doing is to persuse the log files. Nag Norm about that :). But anyway, to look in the logs for sub successes, search for "...torpedo strikes target". For mines, look for "struck a mine!". This will show things you really shouldn't know due to FOW, but because it's the only current way to know what you should know despite FOW, I figure it's a wash.

Anyway, in my current campaign (Brits, full year, no Room 40), it's 21 January. Subs have been quite active, as follows:
  • 2 Jan: TB 365 sunk off Dunkerque.
  • 4 Jan: TB 350 sunk off Dunkerque, TB 27 sunk off Chatham.
  • 8 Jan: TBs 351 and 345 sunk off Dunkerque, TB 24 sunk off Chatham.
  • 9 Jan: DD Quail sunk off Dover.
  • 11 Jan: TB 343 sunk off Dunkerque.
  • 12 Jan: DD S167 sunk by E.29 off Terschelling.
  • 21 Jan: CL Arcona sunk by ML E.41 off Terschelling. Later the same day, E.41 also hit Grosser Kurfurst, although this was just for damage, not sinking. I guess E.41 didn't bother to report that the HSF was out due to being kept down by the HSF's DD screen after the attack...
In addition, I've noticed that V164 and the merchant Gelaria have hit mines, although neither went down. These mines were laid by subs. I've also noticed that the early unsustainable loss rate of my Channel patrol forces has become sustainable since I clogged up Zeebrugge with mines by the middle of the month. Given that these aren't sinking the Zeebrugge subs, I figure they're too scared to sail at present ;).


Powder Monkey
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Nice screenie of the Zep which always reminds me of one of the 'funnier' aftermath stories of Jutland.

"Then a zeppelin appeared and hovered at a range of three or four miles, at the edge of visibility. Starting with Revenge, a number of battleships emptied their guns at it, at extreme elevation. A dozen miles away a salvo from this sport fell into the sea not far from Malaya, causing Captain Boyle to shout "Where are they? Where are they?" - :surprise: And i always imagine it wasn't the only thing he shouted

@BH & Steve - The interesting question for me is how much patrolling TBD and minelaying actually works to suppress U-boat activity. I'm guessing the game models this which is why I'm interested in the fate of the "naked" 3rd BS.

PS Steve - don't expect "Der Tag". The reason i love these games so much is as follows. I played "Distant Guns" as the Japanese in my first DG campaign. I managed to trap the Vlad cruisers ( and sink them ) fairly early on so I settled in for the coming main fleet confrontation. I set up minelaying operations outside Port Arthur covered by Main Battle Fleet sweeps and with a fast cruiser squadron operating to hunt down raiders. I repeated these operations regularly and increased in intensity as the Japanese army advanced to and began assaulting Port Arthur. Every sortie i felt on edge as i was almost sure this was gonna be "the one".

But - Port Arthur fell and no sign of the Russian battleships. I had a panic - What if they'd slipped past me and were already heading for Vlad. The Baltic Fleet was on its way. I split cruisers to Vlad and set up more intensive patrols and then ..... the game ended.

At first I was a tad annoyed, I'd wanted my "Victory at Sea" but on reflection ( and checking the game log - to discover they'd all gone down to Howitzer fire in Port Arthur ) I realized that the enjoyment I'd had was from playing a true "sim" rather than a "battleships game"

Keep enjoying
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Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
Steven, interesting update and cool Zeppilin picture! Interesting idea about the unescorted Battle squadron. What if it draws HSF rather than subs? Will you have time for a response? How the game treat Room 40 info in terms of timing for things like info on the German fleet coming out? Would you get enough notice to arrange the Grand Fleet BCs and BBs to meet them?

Is there much scope for bombardment missions for British forces? I know there were bombardment missions for German ships around which coalesced the bigger fleet actions, but I wonder if some bombardment missions by BCs or even Harwich force might trigger an HSF response to allow the GF to descend?


Steven Lohr

Sep 8, 2002
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llUnited States
Smithcorp-I'm not sure there is much range for bombardment missions. Also, I'm not sure of the effect they have, i.e., do I get victory points for them, or do they reduce German capabilities in the targets. Possibly they reduce port capacity. I'll try to figure that out in the next few game days.
Regarding your question of whether I would get an opptunity to intercept the German High Seas Fleet should it sortie after the 3rd Battlesquadron. I'm actually trying to elicit a HSF response, to see how Room 40 acts. Historically, the British intelligence was very effective. According to "Castles of Steel (pp. 575-6), the Grand Fleet sortied several hours before the HSF did at the battle of Jutland because they had such good intelligence at the time. I would like to determine whether the game models this.

Steven Lohr

Sep 8, 2002
Reaction score
llUnited States
I've updated the posting to 26 May. I've reached a limit of 13 images, so I may have to begin either a new thread or a new post to by-pass that bulletin board restriction.


Aug 20, 2006
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Interesting about the DD's behaviour and the minefields. Mine the known safe channels?


Jun 20, 2007
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Las Vegas, NV
llUnited States
Try a raid of light forces into the Bight. I did this and after sinking four small DDs and three old CLs I got two quick Room 40 reports of large enemy forces prepairing to sail. The first one was certainly the scouting group as my 5th CL squadron had to fight them off and ran out of ammunition in the process, 22 DDs sunk. Some of the IV Flotilla and the Jade Defence Force DDs were also among those 22.

Steven Lohr

Sep 8, 2002
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llUnited States
Jeb-I tried the raid idea, with both 3rd Battlesquadron and a CL flottilla. In both cases the units "disappeared" after an engagement. Literally disappeared from the game. In both cases, I experience a CTD (Crash to Desktop) immediately before the BTM (Bermuda Triangle Moment). I'm not sure the reason for the CTD. My computer is running XP and Iregularly do Norton's System scans on it. In anycase, I'm not giving up on the AAR. In fact, I think I'll try to do an AAR from the German point of view, and then go back and redo the May AAR again from scratch. So far, I like the game, but as detailed in the AAR believe there are some aspects of th estrategic game that need a bit of refining.
One point regarding room 40 that I may have missed: In addition to recieving messages, I'm guessing that Room 40 is also being simulated by the showing of positions of German units on the strategic chart. I'm making this assumption because I seem to see German units in positions where there aren't British units. Alternatively, this could be explained by merchant/trawler reporting, although I don't think the game simulates that.
One other observation: I think the weather is too perfect. I'll dig up some stats later, but only on one occassion have I seen sea state 3, and all other times the North Sea has been at Sea State 1 or less. My game is now on June 5, and that just feels like too long a run of perfect weather.


Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
Great AAR!

I love playing the campaign but in all honesty have very little idea what I'm doing other than sweeping the Grand Fleet and supporting units around the area of the German ports - and then half dreading the idea of actually having a full on battle as I can only really cope with the smaller engagements! So I'll be keeping up with this with great interest :)


Storm Eagle Studios
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
Wakefield, LA
llUnited States
Jeb-I tried the raid idea, with both 3rd Battlesquadron and a CL flottilla. In both cases the units "disappeared" after an engagement. Literally disappeared from the game. In both cases, I experience a CTD (Crash to Desktop) immediately before the BTM (Bermuda Triangle Moment).
If you still have them, and haven't done so already, please send in the logs and the most recent save of the campaign before the point it crashes.

One point regarding room 40 that I may have missed: In addition to recieving messages, I'm guessing that Room 40 is also being simulated by the showing of positions of German units on the strategic chart. I'm making this assumption because I seem to see German units in positions where there aren't British units.
Ships can see beyond the map hex they're in. So if you have something within like 2 map hexes of the enemy (on a good day), you can still spot them even if you're not in the same hex.